Impact of systems failures in malaria service delivery in Africa (Projects)
evaluate effective coverage of malaria curative interventions in Sub-Saharan Africa. We quantify excess morbidity and mortality induced by sub-optimal distribution of malaria services incorporating, among [...] Malaria treatment provides individual benefits by curing infection and preventing progression to severe disease. Treatment also provides community-level benefits by reducing the infectious reservoir. However [...] ent and the extent of health benefits achieved by such care, thus has...
Developing a modelling framework for malaria transmission prevention tools (Projects)
to target these new malaria interventions, become more important. B y using mathematical models, this project will provide evidence to understand determinants of transformative malaria tools that interrupt [...] Following years of investment in strategies to control malaria, elimination is now being considered. But optimal delivery strategies and profiles for new tools for elimination differ from those of disease [...] project will inform setting of Target Product Profiles for novel prevent...
Global Malaria Technical & Training Support Package - phase 2 (Projects)
aims at influencing global malaria policies and implementing WHO and Roll Back Malaria Partnership strategies to regional and country levels, with a focus on vector control, malaria case management, promoting [...] g technical capacities. The aim is to improve malaria program’s performance at country level ultimately to reduce the malaria burden and to expand malaria-free zones according to global goals set by WHO
Understanding the human, parasite, vector and environmental interactions driving residual malaria transmission in Papua New Guinea (Projects)
The scale-up of malaria control in Papua New Guinea (PNG) has resulted in a significant reduction in the nationwide prevalence and incidence of malaria. However, this effect has not been uniform across [...] address this knowledge gap by: measuring the prevalence and distribution of malaria infection to assess the magnitude of residual malaria at the time of study, studying the Anopheles vectors to characterize local [...] heterogeneity in malaria transmission and the its driving factors is...
Diagnostic performance of conventional and ultrasensitive rapid diagnostic tests for malaria in febrile outpatients in Tanzania (Publications)
Background: A novel ultra-sensitive malaria RDT (us-RDT) has been developed for improved active P.falciparum case detection. The utility of this us-RDT in clinical diagnosis and fever management has not [...] infections. Conclusion: There is neither gain nor risk to apply us-RDT rather than co-RDT for clinical malaria diagnosis. In febrile patients, only a small proportion of infections are characterized by parasite
Spatial-temporal heterogeneity in malaria receptivity is best estimated by vector biting rates in areas nearing elimination (Publications)
when vector control can be withdrawn after malaria is eliminated depend on the receptivity or potential of an area to support vector populations. To guide malaria control and elimination programmes, the potential [...] estimate malaria receptivity and transmission were compared within and among geographically localised villages of active transmission in the Western Province of the Solomon Islands. RESULTS: Malaria transmission [...] inoculation and parity rates could not be measured with the...
Nationwide school malaria parasitaemia survey in public primary schools, the United Republic of Tanzania (Publications)
school, malaria survey was implemented to assess the risk factors of malaria prevalence and bed net use among primary school children in mainland Tanzania. This allowed the mapping of malaria prevalence [...] for malaria infection and for bed net use while adjusting for school effect. RESULTS: In total, 49,113 children were interviewed and tested for malaria infection. The overall prevalence of malaria was [...] prevalence at council level and assessment of malaria risk factors among school...
The origins of malaria artemisinin resistance defined by a genetic and transcriptomic background (Publications)
The predisposition of parasites acquiring artemisinin resistance still remains unclear beyond the mutations in Pfk13 gene and modulation of the unfolded protein response pathway. To explore the chain
Dramatic decreases of malaria transmission intensities in Ifakara, south-eastern Tanzania since early 2000s (Publications)
000) historically experienced moderate to high malaria transmission, mediated mostly by Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles funestus. In early 2000s, malaria transmission [Plasmodium falciparum entomological [...] outdoors in Katindiuka-ward by HLC), resulting in overall PfEIR of 0.102 ib/p/yr. Nearly 80% of malaria vectors were from Katindiuka and Mlabani wards. Anopheles gambiae densities were higher outdoors [...] Most houses had brick walls and/or iron roofs (> 90%), and 52% had screened...