Outdoor malaria transmission risks and social life: a qualitative study in South-Eastern Tanzania (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Behaviour changes in mosquitoes from indoor to outdoor biting result in continuing risk of malaria from outdoor activities, including routine household activities and occasional social and cultural [...] of various social and cultural gatherings that incidentally expose people to mosquito bites and malaria infection. RESULTS: Religious, cultural and social gatherings involving the wider community are conducted [...] work towards elimination. Focusing on single interventions will not...
Identifying key factors of the transmission dynamics of drug-resistant malaria (Publications)
Development of resistance to malaria treatments remains a great threat to continued malaria burden reduction and elimination. Quantifying the impact of key factors which increase the emergence and spread
The promise, problems and pitfalls of mass drug administration for malaria elimination: a qualitative study with scientists and policymakers (Publications)
mass drug administration (MDA). This article explores attitudes towards and perceptions of MDA for malaria elimination among policymakers and leading malariologists. Methods: Thirty-two semistructured interviews [...] with policymakers (n=17) and principal investigators (n=15) selected based on their involvement in malaria prevention, control and elimination in the GMS. Interviews were audio recorded and transcribed for [...] Results: Researchers and policymakers described reluctance and...
RTS,S malaria vaccine pilot studies: addressing the human realities in large-scale clinical trials (Publications)
A malaria vaccine as part of the integrated malaria control and elimination efforts will have a major impact on public health in sub-Sahara Africa. The first malaria vaccine, RTS,S, now enters pilot i [...] the malaria vaccine clinical trial experiences, key ethical practices for effective clinical trial research in low-resource settings are described. For successful vaccine integration into malaria intervention
Linking human behaviours and malaria vector biting risk in south-eastern Tanzania (Publications)
To accelerate malaria elimination in areas where core interventions such as insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) are already widely used, it is crucial to consider additional factors associated with persistent [...] persistent transmission. Qualitative data on human behaviours and perceptions regarding malaria risk was triangulated with quantitative data on Anopheles mosquito bites occurring indoors and outdoors in sou [...] south-eastern Tanzania communities where ITNS are already used but lower...
Modelling the relationship between malaria prevalence as a measure of transmission and mortality across age groups (Publications)
prevalence has been used widely as a measure of malaria transmission, especially in malaria endemic areas. However, its contribution and relationship to malaria mortality across different age groups has not [...] all-cause and malaria-specific mortality. CONCLUSION: Malaria parasitaemia from cross-sectional surveys was associated with mortality across age groups over 4 to 5 year periods with clinical malaria more strongly [...] surveys from the Kisumu HDSS between 2007 and 2015 were used to...