Emilie Pothin (People)
of malaria, her research integrates mathematical and statistical methods to simulate transmission dynamics, estimate impact of malaria interventions, and leverage these insights to enhance malaria control [...] support national malaria programs by simulating the impact of interventions at the sub-national level and generating evidence for strategic planning of both established and novel malaria control strategies [...] model users including policy-makers. Since 2017, Dr Emilie Pothin has been...
Spatial patterns of <em>Plasmodium vivax</em> transmission explored by multivariate auto-regressive state-space modelling - a case study in Baoshan... (Publications)
The transition from the control phase to elimination of malaria in China through the national malaria elimination programme has focussed attention on the need for improvement of the surveillance- response [...] (IDIRMS). The best MARSS model indicated that malaria transmission in the study area during 36 months could be grouped into three clusters. The estimation of malaria transmission patterns showed a downward trend [...] cluster cases have occurred. This study aims to explore the spatial...
Impact de l'urbanisation sur l'indice plasmodique et les densités parasitaires chez les enfants de 0 à 5 ans dans la commune de Yopougon, Abidjan... (Publications)
microscope after staining. The malaria infection rate was 21.8%, indicating mesoendemic malaria. Its distribution varied significantly between the three urbanization levels. Malaria parasite densities also varied [...] to determine the impact of urbanization on the malaria infection (parasite) rate and parasite density, and their consequences on the heterogeneity of malaria transmission in urban Abidjan. Specifically we [...] tly between them. These results confirm the involvement of...
Impact de l'urbanisation sur l'indice plasmodique et les densités parasitaires chez les enfants de 0 à 5 ans dans la commune de Yopougon, Abidjan... (Publications)
microscope after staining. The malaria infection rate was 21.8%, indicating mesoendemic malaria. Its distribution varied significantly between the three urbanization levels. Malaria parasite densities also varied [...] to determine the impact of urbanization on the malaria infection (parasite) rate and parasite density, and their consequences on the heterogeneity of malaria transmission in urban Abidjan. Specifically we [...] tly between them. These results confirm the involvement of...
Spatial patterns of <em>Plasmodium vivax</em> transmission explored by multivariate auto-regressive state-space modelling - a case study in Baoshan... (Publications)
The transition from the control phase to elimination of malaria in China through the national malaria elimination programme has focussed attention on the need for improvement of the surveillance- response [...] (IDIRMS). The best MARSS model indicated that malaria transmission in the study area during 36 months could be grouped into three clusters. The estimation of malaria transmission patterns showed a downward trend [...] cluster cases have occurred. This study aims to explore the spatial...
Reactive Case Detection in Zanzibar: Effectiveness and Cost (Projects)
have interrupted local malaria transmission and may have ceased to lead to further declines in malaria incidence. This project aims at contributing to the elimination of malaria on Zanzibar by providing [...] the burden of malaria by distributing insecticide treated mosquito nets, indoor residual spraying and artemisinin based combination treatment. Since 2008, Zanzibar has implemented the Malaria Epidemic Early [...] electronic surveillance system developed jointly by the Zanzibar Malaria...
Genetic composition of Plasmodium falciparum infections in Zanzibar, travel and transmission: a follow-up to the RADZEC study (Projects)
investigations, we will analyse travel patterns of malaria patients and their household contacts to investigate associations of particular travel patterns with malaria infection status in general, and infection [...] Travel between Zanzibar and mainland Tanzania is likely to contribute substantially to the malaria case load on the islands of Zanzibar. In this study, we will investigate the genetic composition of P [...] in particular. This will be complemented by modeling of the improtance of...
A prospective study of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> multiplicity of infection and morbidity in Tanzanian children (Publications)
individuals with substantial previous exposure to malaria, co-infection with multiple clones of Plasmodium falciparum can protect against subsequent clinical malaria attacks. Other studies, mainly of individuals [...] These results provide further evidence that relationships between asymptomatic malaria infections and clinical malaria change with cumulative exposure. [...] multiplicity of infection increased with age. In the first year of life, the incidence of clinical malaria was almost three...
A prospective study of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> multiplicity of infection and morbidity in Tanzanian children (Publications)
individuals with substantial previous exposure to malaria, co-infection with multiple clones of Plasmodium falciparum can protect against subsequent clinical malaria attacks. Other studies, mainly of individuals [...] These results provide further evidence that relationships between asymptomatic malaria infections and clinical malaria change with cumulative exposure. [...] multiplicity of infection increased with age. In the first year of life, the incidence of clinical malaria was almost three...
Rapid spread of double East- and West-African <em>kdr </em>mutations in wild <em>Anopheles coluzzi</em> from Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
decrease of malaria burden. These tools are now threatened by insecticide resistance in malaria vectors, which is spreading dramatically. After two different real-time polymerase chain reaction molecular char [...] resistance in malaria vectors and highlight the urgent need to diversify the methods of vector control in order to avoid the failure of insecticide-based vector control tools which may favor malaria fatalities [...] Malaria morbidity and mortality rates in Sub-Saharan Africa are...