An evidence synthesis approach for combining different data sources illustrated using entomological efficacy of insecticides for indoor residual... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Prospective malaria public health interventions are initially tested for entomological impact using standardised experimental hut trials. In some cases, data are collated as aggregated counts [...] residual spray (IRS) product active ingredient, used on wall surfaces to kill mosquitoes and reduce malaria transmission, were analysed using a series of statistical models to understand the benefits and
Elimination of <em>Schistosoma mansoni</em> in infected mice by slow release of artemisone (Publications)
anti-plasmodial activity, and reduced toxicity compared to other artemisinins in clinical use against malaria. We infected adult mice by subcutaneous injection of S. mansoni cercariae (about 200) and treated [...] release of the artemisone that was verified in vivo and in vitro bioassays using drug-sensitive malaria parasites. We found superior strong anti-schistosome effects up to a total reduction of worm number
Mapping of research on maternal health interventions in low- and middle-income countries: a review of 2292 publications between 2000 and 2012 (Publications)
systems strengthening, health promotion; and on five tracer conditions (haemorrhage, hypertension, malaria, HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs)). Following review of 35,078 titles and abstracts [...] More than half the studies were done in sub-Saharan Africa (55.4 %), mostly addressing HIV and malaria. This region had low numbers of publications per hypertension and haemorrhage deaths, though South
A 10 year study of the cause of death in children under 15 years in Manhica, Mozambique (Publications)
diseases accounted for 9.5% of the defined causes of death, and injuries for 3.9% of causes of deaths. Malaria was the single largest cause, accounting for 21.8% of cases. Pneumonia with 9.8% was the second leading [...] area. The pattern of childhood mortality in Manhica area is typical of developing countries where malaria, pneumonia and HIV/AIDS are important causes of death
Sequence and diversity of T-cell receptor beta-chain V and J genes of the owl monkey <em>Aotus nancymaae</em> (Publications)
to infection with the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum and has therefore been recommended by the World Health Organization as a model for the evaluation of malaria vaccine candidates. Recently
<em>Plasmodium falciparum </em>infection and clinical indicators in relation to net coverage in central Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
Sleeping under a net, particularly a long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN), is associated with reduced malaria morbidity and mortality, but requires high coverage and adherence. In this study, parasitologically [...] and associations with net coverage explored. In Bozi and Yoho, LLINs were provided by the national malaria control programme, prior to the study and an additional catch-up coverage was carried out in Bozi
Design of trials for interrupting the transmission of endemic pathogens (Publications)
of the SolarMal trial on the use of odor-baited mosquito traps to eliminate Plasmodium falciparum malaria. These were used to compare variants in the proposed SWCRT designs for the SolarMal trial. RESULTS: [...] assessed in the simulated trials. Inspired by analyses of trials of insecticide-treated nets against malaria when applied to the geography of the SolarMal trial, these measures were found to be robust to different
Mass distribution of free insecticide-treated nets do not interfere with continuous net distribution in Tanzania (Publications)
BACKGROUND: To protect the most vulnerable groups from malaria (pregnant women and infants) the Tanzanian Government introduced a subsidy (voucher) scheme in 2004, on the basis of a public-private partnership [...] for the continuation of this effort in Tanzania and for emulation by other countries with endemic malaria
Ownership and usage of mosquito nets after four years of large-scale free distribution in Papua New Guinea (Publications)
Guinea (PNG) is a highly malaria endemic country in the South-West Pacific with a population of approximately 6.6 million (2009). In 2004, the country intensified its malaria control activities with support
Ownership and usage of mosquito nets after four years of large-scale free distribution in Papua New Guinea (Publications)
Guinea (PNG) is a highly malaria endemic country in the South-West Pacific with a population of approximately 6.6 million (2009). In 2004, the country intensified its malaria control activities with support