Effect of insecticide-treated bed nets on the dynamics of multiple <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> infections (Publications)
areas of high P. falciparum endemicity, ITNs have little effect on the establishment of chronic malaria infection.
Setting priorities for knowledge translation of Cochrane reviews for health equity: evidence for equity (Publications)
with high burdens of disease globally, were selected for the pilot: diabetes/obesity, HIV/AIDS, malaria, nutrition, and mental health/depression. For each topic area, a "stakeholder panel" was assembled
Time of exposure and assessment influence the mortality induced by insecticides against metabolic resistant mosquitoes (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Increasing metabolic resistance in malaria vector mosquitoes resulted in the development of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) with active ingredients (AI) that target them. Bioassays that accurately
Synthesis and antimalarial and antituberculosis activities of a series of natural and unnatural 4-methoxy-6-styryl-pyran-2-ones, dihydro analogues and... (Publications)
of this latter scaffold could lead to the identification of new leads for the dual treatment of malaria and leishmaniasis
First-in-man safety and pharmacokinetics of synthetic ozonide OZ439 demonstrates an improved exposure profile relative to other peroxide antimalarials (Publications)
progression to Phase 2a proof-of concept studies in the target population of acute uncomplicated malaria
Important helminth infections in Southeast Asia diversity, potential for control and prospects for elimination (Publications)
Besides the 'big three'-HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis-there are a host of diseases that, by comparison, are truly neglected. These so-called neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), many of which caused
Induction of parasite growth-inhibitory antibodies by a virosomal formulation of a peptidomimetic of loop I from domain III of <em>Plasmodium... (Publications)
membrane antigen 1 (AMA-1) of Plasmodium falciparum is a leading candidate antigen for inclusion in a malaria subunit vaccine. Its ectodomain can be divided into three subdomains, each with disulfide bond-stabilized
Prévalence, diversité antigénique et multiplicité d'infections de <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> en milieu scolaire au centre de la Côte... (Publications)
Multiplicity of P. falciparum infection was investigated in 196 children (46.2%). The prevalence of malaria was 54.7% based on light microscopy and 83.9% based on PCR. Genotyping based on polymorphism in the
Morbidity and nutrition patterns of three nomadic pastoralist communities of Chad (Publications)
diarrhoea occurred more often during the wet season when access to clean drinking water was precarious. Malaria was only rarely clinically diagnosed among Arabs during the dry season, whereas Fulani, who stayed
The impact of health worker absenteeism on patient health care seeking behavior, testing and treatment: a longitudinal analysis in Uganda (Publications)
odds that a patient seeks care in the public sector (OR = 0.65, 95% CI = 0.44-0.95) and receives malaria testing (OR = 0.73, 95% CI = 0.53-0.99) and increases the odds of paying out-of-pocket for treatment