Leucopenia and abnormal liver function in travellers on malaria chemoprophylaxis (Publications)
Of 2887 travellers between the years 1984-1985, 451 on prophylactic antimalarials were studied retrospectively for adverse haematological or hepatic drug reactions and compared to 296 drug non-users.
Die Falciparum-Malaria in der Schweiz: ein Problem der Intensivmedizin? (Publications)
the period 1972-1976, 5 of 17 patients admitted to the Cantonal Hospital, Basel, for falciparum malaria had to be treated in the intensive care unit. Two patients died. None had performed regular chem [...] several days had elapsed between onset of symptoms and diagnosis. The importance of information on malaria to tourists and physicians is stressed.
Epidemiologie und Klinik der Malaria in der Schweiz (Publications)
thirds of all cases of malaria in Switzerland are imported from Africa. Accordingly, malignant malaria is more frequently diagnosed in Switzerland than tertian malaria. Malignant malaria usually presents atypically [...] shock. The lethality is high. The majority of Swiss travellers are not protected effectively against malaria. A group particularly at risk are tourists of 20--30 years of age. It is suggested that travel agencies [...] the medical profession should intensify public information...
Das Antiarrhythmikum Chinidin als Alternative in der Behandlung der schweren Falciparum-Malaria (Publications)
quinidine, usually stocked by hospitals, is an alternative drug for malaria treatment. We report the cases of two patients with severe malaria imported from Kenya. They were treated first with intravenous quinidine [...] Parenteral quinine is the most effective treatment for severe falciparum malaria. It is not easily available in Switzerland and so dangerous delays treating patients may occur. The antiarrhythmic drug [...] mg/kg b.w./die of quinidine given intravenously seems to be an adequate...
The ApiAP2 factor PfAP2-HC is an integral component of heterochromatin in the malaria parasite <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> (Publications)
Malaria parasites undergo a complex life cycle in the human host and the mosquito vector. The ApiAP2 family of DNA-binding proteins plays a dominant role in parasite development and life cycle progression [...] maintenance. In summary, our findings reveal PfAP2-HC as a core component of heterochromatin in malaria parasites and identify unexpected properties and substantial functional divergence among the members
Evaluation of different deployment strategies for larviciding to control malaria: a simulation study (Publications)
METHODS: A malaria transmission model, OpenMalaria, was used to simulate varying larviciding strategies and their impact on host-seeking mosquito densities, entomological inoculation rate (EIR) and malaria prevalence [...] BACKGROUND: Larviciding against malaria vectors in Africa has been limited to indoor residual spraying and insecticide-treated nets, but is increasingly being considered by some countries as a complementary [...] g were simulated for three transmission intensities and four...
New methodological approaches to monitor long lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) durability for sustained malaria control (Publications)
Long lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) are the current primary vector control measure to prevent malaria transmission. They function by inhibiting mosquitoes from blood feeding and also killing mosquitoes [...] Resistance) and 2) Holed Net project. The ABCDR project aimed at understanding of bednet durability in malaria endemic countries and factors affecting bednet durability with the main focus of using that information