Die Entwicklung lange gestillter Kinder (Publications)
In the Basle Kindergarten study children who were breast-fed for more than 18 weeks were compared in their development with children who had never received breast milk. The children were grouped accor
Entwicklungsbedingungen und Entwicklungsstand von 10jährigen Basler Kindern (Publications)
Children from the "Basle Kindergarten Study" (born 1971-73) were re-examined during their 4th year of primary school, i.e. at the age of ten (1981-84) (Follow-up of a representative sample of 10% of a
Eine Studie zur obligatorischen ärztlichen Reihenuntersuchung von Lehrlinge im Kanton Basel-Stadt (Publications)
A project in the framework of the National Research Programme on Efficiency in Health care investigates the effects of the medical aptitude examinations, which are -- unique in Switzerland -- legally
Tuberkulintestierung in der Praxis (Publications)
A study was conducted to compare the Tuberculin-Tine test with the Tuberculin Monotest; a total of 1861 pupils (age 15) were tested with either of the two tests, non-reactors were retested with a Mant
Consumption of sweets and freedom from caries in Basle school children (Publications)
A sample of 1'838 school children of Basle, aged 8 to 14 years, who were examined by dentists of the school dental health service, attended at the same time a 24 hour recall interview on nutritional h
Factors influencing dental caries in school children in a city with fluoridated water (Publications)
In a joint study by the school health and the school dental health service 4386 children were examined and their nutritional habits recorded. Analysis shows that mainly the consumption of sweets betwe