Society and Health | Swiss TPH (Page)
Society and Health Adolescent Health Ageing and Health Gender and Health Health Systems and Policies Maternal and Newborn Health Mobile Populations Sexual and Reproductive Health Urban Health Swiss TP
Mehr Innovation – Weniger Armut: Basler Institutionen spielen gegen Malaria auf (Page)
Mehr Innovation – Weniger Armut: Basler Institutionen spielen gegen Malaria auf 20.04.2018 Basel hat eine lange Tradition auf dem Gebiet der Malaria. Seit Jahrzehnten setzen sich öffentliche und priva
Open House 2023: Venez visiter le nouveau Swiss TPH (Page)
Open House Venez nous rendre visite au nouveau Swiss TPH ! Souhaitez-vous jeter un coup d'œil au nouveau bâtiment de l'Institut Tropical et de Santé Publique Suisse (Swiss TPH) ? Et en savoir plus sur
More noise in the sustainability debate (Page)
Hardly any other environmental pollutant affects our everyday life as much as noise. This is shown by complaints about noise to specialist bodies and the police, which frequently concern noise perceiv
Seasonal hunger affects millions – can we fix it? (Page)
If you travel to sub-Saharan Africa during the rainy season, vegetation seems so lush that you may start to wonder how long it would take until all of the thriving plants would absorb the settlements
Symposia Archive (Page)
Swiss TPH Symposia Archive Hybrid Symposium 2023 - The Tuberculosis Pandemic – A Call to Action: Science, Application, Politics Hybrid Symposium 2023 - Clinical Decision Support Systems: Features, Fut
Schweizer Kohorte mit Biobank: Notwendige Basis für Public-Health-Forschung und grosse Langzeitstudien (Page)
Public Health erforscht und fördert Umstände, um die Gesundheit ganzer Bevölkerungen zu schützen und zu verbessern. Klare Aussagen zu Krankheitsentstehung, zu Planung und Evaluation von Behandlungs-,
Changes in Healthcare Utilization During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Potential Causes-A Cohort Study From Switzerland (Publications)
Objectives: To describe the frequency of and reasons for changes in healthcare utilization in those requiring ongoing treatment, and to assess characteristics associated with change, during the second
Conférences (Page)
Conférences De 11h00 à 16h00, vous pourrez participer à des conférences interactives et à des ateliers organisés par nos scientifiques et experts. Toutes les conférences auront lieu dans les salles de