Long-term exposure to elemental components of fine particulate matter and all-natural and cause-specific mortality in a Danish nationwide... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Fine particulate matter (PM(2.5)) is a well-recognized risk factor for premature death. However, evidence on which PM(2.5) components are most relevant is unclear. METHODS: We evaluated th
AIMSurv: first pan-European harmonized surveillance of <em>Aedes </em>invasive mosquito species of relevance for human vector-borne diseases (Publications)
Human and animal vector-borne diseases, particularly mosquito-borne diseases, are emerging or re-emerging worldwide. Six Aedes invasive mosquito (AIM) species were introduced to Europe since the 1970s
Antigen rapid tests, nasopharyngeal PCR and saliva PCR to detect SARS-CoV-2: a prospective comparative clinical trial (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Nasopharyngeal antigen Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs), saliva RT-PCR and nasopharyngeal (NP) RT-PCR have shown different performance characteristics to detect patients infected by SARS-CoV-
Skin aging associated with chromium among rural housewives in northern China (Publications)
Previous studies have found associations between chromium exposure and skin damage. However, few studies have focused on both chromium and skin aging. This study aimed to assess the degree of skin agi
Integrating neuroscience in psychiatry: a cultural-ecosocial systemic approach (Publications)
Psychiatry has increasingly adopted explanations for psychopathology that are based on neurobiological reductionism. With the recognition of health disparities and the realisation that someone's postc
Molecular detection and genetic characterization of zoonotic hookworm in semi-domesticated cats residing in monasteries in Bangkok, Thailand (Publications)
Hookworms are the most common parasitic nematodes in the genus of Ancylostoma that infect both humans and animals in subtropical and tropical South East Asia. The common hookworm species in cats is An
Management of non-communicable diseases in Kosovo: a scoping review (Publications)
Background-Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) affect a growing share of the population in Kosovo. The country faces challenges with NCDs management, specifically detecting, screening, and treating peopl
Substance use referral, treatment utilization, and patient costs associated with problematic substance use in people living with HIV in Cape Town,... (Publications)
INTRODUCTION: Despite efforts to detect and treat problematic substance use (SU) among people living with HIV (PLWH) in South Africa, integration of HIV and SU services is limited. We sought to unders
Repeated false-negative HIV rapid test results in a patient presenting to care with advanced HIV disease: a case report (Publications)
Severe immunosuppression has been reported as one of the causes of a false-negative HIV rapid test result. Guidelines on what tests should be performed in adult patients presenting with severe immunos
Guillain-Barré syndrome associated with COVID-19 infection: a case series (Publications)
In this communication, we reported a series of six patients presented with Guillain-Barre syndrome that associated with COVID-19 infection, which was confirmed with RT-PCR. Here we discuss the laborat