Cervical cancer prevention and care in HIV clinics across sub-Saharan Africa: results of a facility-based survey (Publications)
INTRODUCTION: To eliminate cervical cancer (CC), access to and quality of prevention and care services must be monitored, particularly for women living with HIV (WLHIV). We assessed implementation pra
Savings from the introduction of BPaL and BPaLM regimens at the country level (Publications)
BACKGROUND: In 2022, the WHO recommended the 6-month regimens BPaL (bedaquiline + pretomanid + linezolid) and BPaLM (BPaL + moxifloxacin) as treatment options for most forms of drug-resistant TB. SLAS
Adaptation and validation of a light microscope for use in energy insecure settings: a proof-of-concept study (Publications)
Microscopy as a basic diagnostic method cannot be used everywhere globally. Validity of slide reading was tested on torch-modified microscopes. Experienced microscopists handled the modification witho
All-cause, cardiovascular, and respiratory mortality and wildfire-related ozone: a multicountry two-stage time series analysis (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Wildfire activity is an important source of tropospheric ozone (O(3)) pollution. However, no study to date has systematically examined the associations of wildfire-related O(3) exposure wi
The effectiveness of community health worker training, equipping, and deployment in reducing COVID-19 infections and deaths in rural Western Kenya: a... (Publications)
COVID-19 and other pandemics remain significant threats to population health, particularly in rural settings where health systems are disproportionately weak. There is a lack of evidence on whether tr
Transposition of <em>HOPPLA</em> in siRNA-deficient plants suggests a limited effect of the environment on retrotransposon mobility in... (Publications)
Long terminal repeat retrotransposons (LTR-RTs) are powerful mutagens regarded as a major source of genetic novelty and important drivers of evolution. Yet, the uncontrolled and potentially selfish pr