Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (Page)
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Swiss TPH Embraces People, Culture and Diversity Diversity, commitment to inclusive participation and creativity are at the root of Swiss TPH's development as an organi
Library and Documentation (Page)
Unit | Library and Documentation Education and Training Library and Documentation Service Bachelor-Master-Doctorate Professional Postgraduate Training Teaching Technologies and Didactics Our professio
Ethik und Datenschutz (Page)
Ethik und Datenschutz Das Studienprotokoll der SOPHYA-Studie wurde der Ethikkommission beider Basel zur Begutachtung vorgelegt. Sie hat die SOPHYA-Studie eingehend geprüft. Aus Sicht der Ethikkommissi
Risiko bei Einnahme von gewissen Medikamenten während Hitzetagen (Page)
Die Daten der im September 2021 publizierten Studie im Swiss Medical Weekly sind auf den ersten Blick überraschend. Obwohl die Sterblichkeit durch Herzkreislauf-Erkrankungen an heissen Tagen steigt, w
Valeur Limites (Page)
Valeur Limites Les valeurs limites des émissions polluantes fixées par la loi constituent un instrument important pour le pilotage et l’implémentation du maintien de la pureté de l’air. L’Organisation
COVID-19 Testing | Centre for Tropical and Travel Medicine of Swiss TPH (Page)
COVID-19 Testing COVID-19 Testing for People Without Symptoms The Centre for Tropical and Travel Medicine of Swiss TPH offers the following SARS-CoV-2 tests for asymptomatic individuals age 6 years an
Air Pollution (Page)
Air Pollution - An Invisible Killer Air pollution causes almost 4 million deaths annually. This burden is larger than the one of the deadliest infectious disease. Swiss TPH belongs to the leading rese
Systems Thinking for Health | Swiss TPH (Page)
Systems for Health Swiss TPH is a world leading institution in the application of systems thinking approaches to health systems. We have generated a number of key global guidance documents that are sh
HBM4EU (Page)
Das Europäische Humane Biomonitoring Programm in der Schweiz Die Schweiz nimmt zusammen mit 27 anderen Ländern am Europäischen Humanen Biomonitoring Programm (HBM4EU) teil. HBM4EU ist eine neuartige Z
Targeted Vaccination to Interrupt Rabies Transmission (Page)
Targeted Vaccination to Interrupt Rabies Transmission 28.09.2018 Although the disease is preventable, rabies continues to kill more than 60,000 people per year – mainly children in Asia and Africa. Ne