Recherche de *.
Umweltfaktoren (Publications)
Interaction of oxidative stress pathway genes with particulate matter and tobacco smoke on the course of airflow obstruction during 11 years (Publications)
Stellungnahme zur Wirksamkeit des Mammographie-Screenings in der Schweiz (Publications)
Umweltbelastung messen - gesünder altern (Publications)
Genome-wide interaction study with cigarette smoking in relation to pulmonary function (Publications)
A healthy lifestyle is strongly related to an increased heart rate variability in healthy adults (Publications)
Prise de position en faveur du dépistage mammographique du cancer du sein en Suisse (Publications)
L'efficacité du dépistage mammographique est-elle vraiment contestable? (Publications)
Sex-specific associations of cardiovascular risk factors with carotid stiffness - results from the SAPALDIA cohort study (Publications)
Die Variabilität reproduktiver Charakteristika in der Schweiz. Ergebnisse der SAPALDIA-Studie (Publications)