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OpenHDS: Use of tablet computers in health and demographic surveillance (Publications)
Health impact of exposure to arsenic-contaminated drinking water in Vietnam (Publications)
Assessing health risk due to exposure to arsenic in drinking water in a rural setting in Hanam, Vietnam (Publications)
Huemul heresies: beliefs in search of supporting data. 2. Biological and ecological considerations (Publications)
Microbiological quality of raw camel milk across the Kenyan market chain (Publications)
Indigenous pig management practices in rural villages of western Kenya (Publications)
Quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA): research status and future development (Publications)
Il razionale e la logica delle valutazioni economiche in prevenzione (Publications)
Staphylococcal disease in Africa: another neglected 'tropical' disease (Publications)
The challenge of drug resistance in malaria: studies in an area of intense perennial transmission, Kilombero district, Tanzania (Publications)