Age-related changes in the time course of vigilant attention during 40 hours without sleep in men (Publications)
STUDY OBJECTIVES: To examine whether vigilant attention and sleepiness develop differently during prolonged wakefulness in young and older men. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Psychomotor vigilance
The Swiss Health Survey Project (SOMIPOPS): an example of a data collection effort from various sources (Publications)
In 1981/82 the first representative health survey (SOMIPOPS "Socio-medical indicators for the population of Switzerland") was conducted 1) to gain representative data on health status (perceived morbi
Sex differences in demands made on medical services. Results of the SOMIPOPS health survey (Publications)
Data of the nationwide health survey SOMIPOPS show a higher number of physician visits for females than for males. Females report a total annual rate of 6,6 visits per person while males made 4,8 visi
Sequelae of deep venous thrombosis, 5-year follow-up of 341 patients (Publications)
In order to see whether thrombolytic therapy led to a reduction of CPT, a cause of long periods of inability to work, a study on the development of phlebothrombosis was carried out at the Department o