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Lay health workers in primary and community health care (Publications)
Health SWAP in Tajikistan: prospects and suggested next steps (Publications)
Nomadic women's health practice: Islamic belief and medical care among Kel Alhafra Tuareg in Mali (Publications)
Potential use of testate amoebae and other microorganisms living in mosses for bioindication of atmospheric pollution (NO2, heavy metals): studies... (Publications)
Health financing reforms in Tajikistan: capitated budget allocation for 2007 in project Sino pilot rayons (Publications)
Long-term effects of life-time ambient ozone exposure on pulmonary function based on consideration of residential history and time-activity patterns (Publications)
Etude de la transmission et des aspects parasito-cliniques du paludisme en relation avec le rendement des paysans en zones d'agriculture vivrière... (Publications)
"Schmutzige Krankheit": HIV Stigma and discrimination among sub-Saharan African migrants living in Switzerland (Publications)
Acceptance and use of medicinal plants in the Seychelles (Publications)
Vulnerability to ill-health among nomadic people in Chad: a case-study from geography of health and healtcare (Publications)