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Infecciones en urgencias (Publications)
Health of children and adolescents in the canton of Basel Land- Results of the health in school aged children study 2006 (Publications)
Ethnobotanische und pharmakologische Studien zu Arzneipflanzen der traditionellen Medizin der Elfenbeinküste (Publications)
Chlorination disinfection by-products and risk of stillbirths in England and Wales (Publications)
Guía de terapéutica antimicrobiana (Publications)
Kaposi sarcoma-associated immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome: in need of a specific case definition (Publications)
Case-control study of mobile phone base stations and early childhood cancers (Publications)
Repetitive Arbeit und psychosomatische Beschwerden (Publications)
Spraying tick-infested houses with lambda-cyhalothrin reduces the incidence of tick-borne relapsing fever in children under five years old (Publications)
Pregnant women and infants as sentinel populations to monitor prevalence of malaria parasitemia and track impact of intervention scale-up (Publications)