Swiss TPH students' global health endeavours around the world (Blog)
We asked our PhD students at Swiss TPH to send in videos and photos of their work abroad. These submissions provide a glimpse into their incredible work across the globe, spanning diverse research are
Hybrid learning brings new possibilities (Blog)
The MBA in International Health Management (MBA-IHM) has been on the road to success since it launched in 2013. Behind the comprehensive programme structure lies a great deal of work and organization.
A full focus on continuing education: Portrait of a career changer (Blog)
Pierina Maibach has been responsible for communications and media at SolidarMed in Lucerne, Switzerland since September 2020. The organization's core mission is to work with local partners to strength
“I believe that pharmaceutical companies can do more than providing medicines” (Blog)
Lutz Hegemann, President of Global Health & Sustainability at Novartis, has been a member of the Board of Governors of Swiss TPH since 2023. In this interview, he tells us why he moved from being a do
Investigations of the metabolites of the trypanocidal drug melarsoprol (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Melarsoprol remains the first-choice drug for trypanosomiasis (human African sleeping sickness). To contribute to the sparse pharmacologic data and to better understand the cause of the fr