Identification and characterization of trypanocides by functional expression of an adenosine transporter from <em>Trypanosoma</em> <em>brucei</em> in... (Publications)
The causative agents of sleeping sickness, Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and T. brucei gambiense, do not synthesize purines de novo but salvage purine bases and nucleosides from their hosts. We used
Dog ownership enhances symptomatic responses to air pollution in children with asthma (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Experimental data suggest that asthma exacerbation by ambient air pollutants is enhanced by exposure to endotoxin and allergens; however, there is little supporting epidemiologic evidence.
Design, synthesis and evaluation of novel uracil amino acid conjugates for the inhibition of <em>Trypanosoma cruzi </em>dUTPase (Publications)
Potential inhibitors of the Trypanosoma cruzi dUTP nucleotidohydrolase were docked into the enzyme using the program FlexX. Compounds that docked selectively were then selected and synthesized using s
La démographie canine et son importance pour la transmission de la rage humaine à N'Djaména (Publications)
A transversal study using the clustering technique was carried out in 600 households to estimate dog-population density in the city of N'Djamena and evaluate the knowledge of the inhabitants concernin
Spatial dispersion and characterisation of mosquito breeding habitats in urban vegetable-production areas of Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
Although urban agriculture (UA) in the developing world may enhance nutrition and local economies, it may also lead to higher densities of mosquito breeding sites and, consequently, to increased trans
Farm exposure and time trends in early childhood may influence DNA methylation in genes related to asthma and allergy (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Genetic susceptibility and environmental influences are important contributors to the development of asthma and atopic diseases. Epigenetic mechanisms may facilitate gene by environment in