Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis Advisory Committee Convenes at Swiss TPH (News)
Soil-transmitted helminths (STHs) are parasitic worms that affect more than a billion people worldwide. In 2006, Johnson & Johnson (J&J) established Children Without Worms to provide technical and ope
Combating Malaria with Odour-Baited Traps for Mosquitoes (News)
A newly-developed mosquito trap outsmart malaria-transmitting mosquitoes. It attracts the insects by emitting a natural lure – namely human odour - composed of lactic acid and other substances transpi
Gastrointestinal illnesses cost the Swiss health care sector up to EUR 45 million per year (News)
Acute diarrhoea entails annual health care costs of EUR 29 to 45 million in Switzerland. Thereof, around a quarter is due to infections of the diarrhoea-causing pathogen Campylobacter. This was reveal
Swiss TPH Symposium on Climate Change and Health (News)
“Kristie, thank you so much for not coming to Basel – the floor is yours,” said Nino Künzli, Swiss TPH as he welcomed one of the first speakers, Kristie Ebi from the University of Washington. In the s