Flu Prevention in Switzerland (News)
Several thousand hospital stays and hundreds of deaths: these are the annual consequences of the flu in Switzerland. With the National Strategy for the Prevention of Seasonal Influenza (GRIPS), the Fe
European Scientists Call for Climate Action (News)
The EASAC report focuses on the consequences of climate change for human health in Europe and the benefits of acting now to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in order to stabilise the climate. Swiss TPH
New Findings on Malaria Vaccine (News)
Most vaccines contain inactivated pathogens or pathogen fragments against which the body produces protective antibodies – ideally, a complete and long-lasting protection. This is not the case for RTS,
Farewell to Thierry Freyvogel (News)
Thierry Freyvogel was born in 1929 in a home that was open to the world and deeply rooted in Basel's culture. He spent his early childhood in Paris, where his love of the French language and culture d
Two Decades of Swiss Leadership for New Malaria Medicines (News)
A long history of Swiss leadership in antimalarial research Switzerland has a long history of leadership and engagement in the fight against malaria. High-level malaria research has been carried out f
New Project on Child Health in Tanzania (News)
Each year, around 3.3 million children die from acute febrile episodes worldwide, especially in countries with low-resources. The lack of diagnostic tools and clinical guidance to front-line health wo
Scientifically Proven: Air Pollution Harms Health (News)
Last week, an assessment by a group of just over 100 lung physicians reopened a discussion on the health benefits of the current air quality standards. Under the leadership of the lung physician Diete
Buruli Ulcer: Promising New Drug Candidate Against a Forgotten Disease (News)
Buruli ulcer - one of the most neglected among the NTDs - is a debilitating and stigmatising disease. Affecting mainly children in West and Central Africa, the chronic disease results in devastating s
SNSF Professorship Awarded to Melissa Penny (News)
“I’m excited that the SNSF will invest in my research, giving me the possibility to expand my group and pursue new directions,” said Penny. “With our work, we want to make the development of new medic