Implementing a Computerized Clinical Equipment Inventory System for Uzbekistan (Projects)
The project of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) “Advanced training for Medical Doctors and Health Workers for the use of modern technology in Uzbekistan” has identifie
Evaluation of the UNFPA Support to Adolescents and Youth (Projects)
The purpose of the Evaluation of the UNFPA Support to Adolescents and Youth was to generate information for evidence-based decision-making, to document key lessons learned and to provide accountabilit
Household Survey to Assess Hygiene and Sanitation Behavior as well as the Willingness to Pay in Rural Senegal (Projects)
The indicators for access to drinking water in Senegal suggest that 33% of the population still satisfies their needs from unimproved sources. Access to water is also fundamental to good hygiene behav
External Evaluation of the WHO TDR Career Development Fellowship (CDF) Programme (Projects)
The external evaluation assesses the programme’s overall performance, identifies strengths and weaknesses, and highlights areas for improvement and future development. The results-based evaluation was
External Evaluation of the WHO Global Learning Programme on National Policies, Strategies and Plans (Projects)
The independent evaluation of the GLP NHPSP, mandated by the GLP NHPSP secretariat to the Swiss TPH, was conducted between December 2013 and March 2014. It covers programme achievements of the program
Communicate to Vaccinate (COMMVAC) 2: Implementing communication interventions to improve childhood vaccination uptake in LICs (Projects)
Background Effective communication between the health services and the parents and caregivers of children can improve childhood vaccination uptake and strengthen immunization services in low income co
Majete Malaria Control Project Monitoring (Projects)
Malaria continues to place a heavy burden of disease in southern Malawi. Effective tools for malaria control, however, are currently available and, if applied properly, can lower the burden of disease