Using Viral Genetics to Curb the HIV Epidemic in Lesotho, South Africa (Projects)
Major progress in curbing the HIV epidemic in Lesotho, Southern Africa has been achieved. However, there were still 11'000 new infections in 2019, emphasizing the importance of targeted prevention of
Strategies for Hookworm Eradication (SHE): Harnessing the parasite developmental keys for designing targeted clinical approaches (Projects)
Hookworm (Necator americanus or Ancylostoma duodenale) infections represent a major neglected tropical disease, affecting 700 million people worldwide and causing morbidity due to their impact on nutr
EXposome Powered tools for healthy living in urbAN SEttings (Projects)
By 2030 more than 80% of Europe’s population will live and interact with a complex urban environment, consisting of a mixture of social and environmental factors. These factors include: where we live
Digital support systems to improve child health and development in low income settings - a randomized controlled trial (Projects)
Children in low and middle income countries continue to be exposed to large amount of adversity, undermining their health and early development. While a large number of programs have been launched rec
Swiss contraception report (Projects)
Der erste Schweizerische Verhütungsbericht beschreibt die Entwicklung, Häufigkeit und Art der Verhütung in der Schweiz. Im Auftrag des Obsan hat das Schweizerische Tropen- und Public Health-Institut d
Vector Modelling - AnophelesModel R Package (Projects)
We developed the AnophelesModel R Package to interface mosquito bionomics, human exposure and intervention effects with models of malaria intervention impact. The package contains an in-built entomolo
Assessment of the factors affecting emergence and spread of artemisinin resistance in Rwanda (Projects)
Background: Malaria is a major public health problem globally and resistance to most widely used drugs impedes its control. Artemisinin resistance has emerged and spread in the Greater Mekong Sub regi
OpenMalaria Workflow and OpenMalariaUtilities R Packages (Projects)
OpenMalaria Workflow R Package The work of the Analytics and Intervention Modelling Group is based on OpenMalaria : an open-source C++ program for simulating malaria epidemiology and the impacts on th
Sub-national tailoring of malaria interventions in Mozambique (Projects)
Malaria remains a public health problem in Mozambique, with more than 10 million cases confirmed in 2020 ( WHO Malaria Report 2020 ). The Mozambique National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) leads the f
Pan-Africa Network for Genomic Surveillance of Poverty Related Diseases and Emerging Pathogens (Projects)
The main objective of the PANGenS project is to use genomic epidemiology of tuberculosis, malaria and emerging and re-emerging pathogens in Africa to better understand disease etiology, dynamics of di