The Last Mile: Novel Tools and Strategies for Breaking Schistosomiasis Transmission (Projects)
Background: Global elimination of schistosomiasis as a public health problem is set as target in the new World Health Organization’s Neglected Tropical Diseases Roadmap for 2030. Due to a long history
Stratified Host-Directed Therapy for Rifampicin-Resistant TB: A Randomized Controlled Multi-Centre Trial (Projects)
Tuberculosis (TB) has historically been the most common infectious cause of death globally, surpassed only recently (and presumably temporarily) by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. TB treatment is lengt
SAPALDIA program (Projects)
The SAPALDIA cohort investigates since 1991 the effects of life style and environment on the chronic diseases and aging in adults of the Swiss general population. The SAPALDIA study participants have
Impact of duration of antibiotic therapy and of oral step-down to amoxicillin or co-amoxiclav on effectiveness, safety and selection of antimicrobial... (Projects)
Antibiotics are key to managing childhood pneumonia, especially severe/very severe pneumonia, which remains a leading cause of hospitalisation in lower/middle income countries. WHO recommends children
More responsive immunization services through tailoring for hard-to-reach populations in Chad (Projects)
The main goal of the study is to identify potential strategies to tailor immunization services to reach nomadic communities in Chad. The objectives of our study are: (i) To assess the feasibility and
Global-Partnership-Initiated-Biosecurity-Academia for Controlling Health Threats (Projects)
The Global Partnership Initiated Biosecurity Academia for Controlling Health Threats (GIBACHT) is a multilateral one-year biosafety and biosecurity part-time training programme. GIBACHT started in 201
Joint South Africa and Swiss Chair in Global Environmental Health (Projects)
This first South African-Swiss bilateral research chair on Global Environmental Health in Cape Town addresses emerging environmental health problems in South Africa. The collaboration consists of four
Internationale Zusammenarbeit und Globale Gesundheit (former ATK) (Projects)
Der Allgemeine Tropenkurs ist ein 8-wöchiger, ganztägiger Kurs, welcher auf das Leben und Arbeiten in Ländern mit extremer Mittelknappheit vorbereitet. Der Kurs ist von der Universität Basel akkrediti
Master of Advanced Studies in International Health (Projects)
The MAS in International Health is a collaborative modular programme involving some 30 tropEd accredited universities worldwide. The programme prepares students to act as international health experts