Strengthening research data management capacity at the Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research (Projects)
High quality accessible data is the basis of sound medical and public health research. Health research institutions around the world therefore require sufficient capacity to generate, manage, analyse
Technical Assistance on Development of Quality Improvement Action Plan for the National TB Program in Tajikistan (Projects)
In Tajikistan, an estimated 7800 people fell ill with active TB in 2022. In terms of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB), Tajikistan belongs to the 27 countries with the highest burden (globally). To opti
Swiss TPH Strategy 2025-2028 (Projects)
The Swiss TPH Strategy 2025-2028 is based on SERI's funding phase and is further developed in line with it every four years. The four-year goals, developed in a participatory manner and with the invol
Facilitate the openIMIS team’s participation in the Global Goods Innovators Summit (Projects)
Digital public goods (DPGs) are defined by the UN Secretary-General, in the Roadmap for Digital Cooperation, as “open source software, open data, open AI models, open standards and open content that a
HPV Vaccination, Vaccine Awareness, Knowledge and Information Sources among Young Adults in Military Service in Switzerland (Projects)
Since January 2023, HPV vaccination is being offered to recruits in the recruit schools of the Swiss military. The research project investigates how recruits feel about the topic and whether the offer
Provision of a Scoping Study for a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) on behalf of Target Malaria (Projects)
Genetically modified mosquitoes represent great potential for malaria control. Any future application of gene drive mosquitoes for malaria control will require many elements, including policy action,
Support Project for the Health Districts in Chad - Phase III (Projects)
Chad has seen maternal mortality fall too slowly in recent decades (from 1,099 per 100,000 live births (LB) in 2004 to 860 per 100,000 LB in 2014), a reduction of just 2% per year. Long-term investmen
Supporting services related to SMART Guidelines (Projects)
The SMART Guidelines framework, developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), represents a transformative approach to implementing evidence-based health recommendations through digital technologie
BAG KEA - Competence Centre for Epidemiological Outbreak Investigations (Projects)
In Switzerland, foodborne infections such as listeriosis, salmonellosis or campylobacteriosis are notifiable diseases and are under close surveillance by the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (FOP
Evidence Aid collaboration (Projects)
Evidence Aid was founded by Mike Clarke , following the Indian Ocean tsunami in December 2004. It is a United Kingdom based Non-Governmental Organisation, with the mandate to make research evidence re