Making the case for investing in Routine Health Information Systems (RHIS) to achieve the health-related SDGs (Projects)
Routine Health Information Systems (RHIS) are the basis for decision-making in health service delivery, from frontline health workers up to national authorities and the international community. Hence,
Training on Anglo American's Social Way "Community Health and Safety Management" (Projects)
Anglo American PLC is one of the world's largest mining companies with ten thousands of employees worldwide. Anglo American is aware of its impacts on stakeholders, especially also communities, they o
I remember you :Lung epithelial cells memory in Hookworm infection (Projects)
Helminths are large and complex organisms than infect about 1.5 billion people worldwide, mostly living in tropical countries. Due to their size they cause extensive damage to their host. One of this
Develop a country-level business case model for using BPaL regimens for drug-resistent TB treatment (Projects)
The Health Systems Support Unit has built an economic model for use at country-level to estimate the value-added for changing treatment to the BPaL/BPaLM regimens for appropriate drug resistant TB pat
Use of artificial intelligence for secure identification of dogs in low- and middle income countries (Projects)
Artificial intelligence for facial recognition are novel tools currently in development, but little is known on feasibility for dogs in low- and middle income countries (LMICs). This is an urgent know
Deployment of electronic clinical decision support system (eCDSS) solution (Projects)
Doctors Without Borders (MSF) operate their own digital decision support solution called "MSFeCARE". It is used by more than 150 health workers in 5 countries and 14 health centres. MSFeCARE is a majo
Home caRE workers’ Health risks of Exposure to heAT waves (REHEAT), Solutions for human adaptation to climate change in the context of working life... (Projects)
Background Home care professionals are more at risk for health problems than usual in hot weather, as their clients are particularly vulnerable to the heat, need more care and thus require more effort
Democratizing Neglected Tropical Diseases Interventions through Citizen Science for Improving Women’s Health in a Fragile Setting at Lake Chad (Projects)
In crisis areas, health systems struggle to serve refugee, internally displaced people (IDPs) and host populations. A particular concern are diseases linked to insufficient water, sanitation and hygie
Integrated Health Services in Kosovo, Phase I (Projects)
The Integrated Health Services (IHS) project aims at improving the availability, quality and continuity of care for patients with non-communicable diseases by strengthening related clinical, manageria
Altitude Positively Impacts Cardiovascular Health Peruvian Study Finds (News)
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of death worldwide. Over the last decade, the share of NCDs in adult mortality in Peru has increased, particularly due to cardiovascular disease.