SwissLEGIO - Legionnaires' diseases in Switzerland: Prestudies to develop health systems and epidemiologic research (Projects)
Legionella spp. are common environmental bacteria living in freshwater. They are also known to proliferate in artificial water reservoirs such as cooling towers or showerheads. Infection with the bact
Digital System for a Better Health Care Management of Refugees (Projects)
Common health problems of refugees and displaced population groups in the Sahel region are infectious diseases, particularly respiratory infections, acute diarrheal diseases, malaria and malnutrition,
Exzellence in Research, Services, Education and Management - Implementation of the EFQM Excellence Model (Projects)
The Swiss TPH roadmap towards excellence according to the EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) provides for a two-stage approach: a) EFQM C2E "Committed to Excellence" could be implemente
Exploring the mechanisms of heritable gene silencing and singular gene choice to understand antigenic variation in malaria parasites (Projects)
This project aims at elucidating epigenetic control mechanisms involved in the production of malaria transmission stages and in antigenic variation and immune evasion of malaria parasites. To achieve
Basics of Medical Statistics (Projects)
BOMS ist ein web-basierter Kurs in medizinischer Statistik, welcher sich primär an Studierende medizinischer Fächer richtet. BOMS existiert in drei Sprachen: deutsch, französisch und englisch. Die Kur
Development of an Opensource Health Insurance Management Information System (OpenHIMIS) (Projects)
Background There are limited low cost technological solutions available in low income country settings that allow different types of health insurers to professionally operate health insurance schemes.
Implementation of ALMANACH in the ICRC (Projects)
Background The ‘ALMANACH’ (ALgorithms for the MANagement of Acute CHildhood illnesses) is an electronic version of the IMCI (Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses) that is available on smartpho
National Nutrition Survey in Tajikistan (Projects)
Background Nutritional disorders such as anemia, vitamin A or iodine deficiency are frequent in Tajikistan and remain a major concern. Therefore, the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF), in cooperat
Communication concept for the Swiss TPH Administration (Projects)
Die AHV-Lohnsumme des Swiss TPH hat sich in den letzten zehn Jahren verdreifacht. Dieses erfreuliche Wachstum wirkt sich äusserst positiv auf die Erfüllung unseres Mandats aus: Wir leisten mit unserer