Open Source Health Insurance Initiative at DayOne Conference (News)
Every year, more than 150 million people face healthcare expenditures that are so high in relation to available income that they have a catastrophic effect on a household's financial well-being. In th
International Youth Day 2018 – Safe Spaces for Youth (News)
There are currently 1.8 billion young people between the ages of 10 and 24 years in the world. This is the largest youth population ever. International Youth Day 2018 emphasises the need of safe space
50 years of Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research (News)
From 28 to 31 August 2018, the Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research (PNGIMR) is celebrating its 50th anniversary, bringing together local and international researchers to discuss challenges
Fostering Research Productivity in Côte d’Ivoire (News)
The research productivity of a country can be measured by the number of peer-reviewed and internationally referenced scientific publications per population. In Côte d'Ivoire, the amount of publication
Wissenschaftliche Argumente für eine Elternzeit (News)
Die Hälfte der OECD-Länder gewährt ihrer Bevölkerung eine Mutterschafts- oder Elternzeitdauer von mindestens 43 Wochen. Mit dem nur 14-Wochen langem gesetzlich geregelten und bezahlten Mutterschaftsur
Steady Decline of Hepatitis A in Switzerland (News)
In most European countries, the prevalence of hepatitis A has been reduced substantially over the past decades. In Switzerland, the notification rate of the disease decreased from 9.5/100'000 populati
New Mosquito Net reduces Malaria Cases (News)
The latest figures from the World Health Organisation (WHO) show that approximately 216 million people were infected with malaria in 2016 worldwide, an increase in five million from the previous year.
Global Overview of Schistosomiasis Research and Control (News)
Schistosomiasis is a neglected tropical disease and caused by blood flukes (parasitic flatworms) of the genus Schistosoma . Globally, almost 800 million people are at risk of schistosomiasis. Of the 2
Andrej Trauner Wins Swiss TB Award (News)
Approximately 10 million people will be infected with tuberculosis (TB) in 2018 alone. In most cases the infection will be curable, however for many people the infection will mark the beginning of a l
Proof-of-Concept Study Reveals Feasibility of Eliminating Rabies in Africa (News)
Rabies is a viral disease that kills tens of thousands of people every year, predominantly in Africa and Asia.The disease is transmitted through the bites of infected dogs and foxes. In West- and Cent