The benefits of 'One Health' for pastoralists in Africa [Proceedings] (Publications)
'One health' is particularly suited to serve mobile pastoralists. Dinka pastoralists in Sudan inspired Calvin Schwabe to coin the term 'one medicine', indicating that there is no difference in paradig
Une nouvelle découverte dévoile le mécanisme d'invasion du paludisme (News)
Avec 249 millions de cas de paludisme et 608 000 décès en 2022, le paludisme reste une menace sanitaire mondiale persistante. Le parasite du paludisme Plasmodium falciparum est la principale cause de
Disentangling associations between multiple environmental exposures and all-cause mortality: an analysis of European administrative and traditional... (Publications)
Background: We evaluated the independent and joint effects of air pollution, land/built environment characteristics, and ambient temperature on all-cause mortality as part of the EXPANSE project. Meth
Ozone-related acute excess mortality projected to increase in the absence of climate and air quality controls consistent with the Paris Agreement (Publications)
Summary Short-term exposure to ground-level ozone in cities is associated with increased mortality and is expected to worsen with climate and emission changes. However, no study has yet comprehensivel