New approaches to measuring anthelminthic drug efficacy: parasitological responses of childhood schistosome infections to treatment with praziquantel (Publications)
BACKGROUND: By 2020, the global health community aims to control and eliminate human helminthiases, including schistosomiasis in selected African countries, principally by preventive chemotherapy (PCT
Effect of sanitation and water treatment on intestinal protozoa infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Pathogenic intestinal protozoa infections are responsible for substantial mortality and morbidity, particularly in settings where people lack improved sanitation and safe drinking water. W
Buruli ulcer in Cameroon: the development and impact of the National Control Programme (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Cameroon is endemic for Buruli ulcer (BU) and organised institutional BU control began in 2002. The objective was to describe the evolution, achievements and challenges of the national BU
Ecological drivers of <em>Mansonella perstans</em> infection in Uganda and patterns of co-endemicity with lymphatic filariasis and malaria (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Mansonella perstans is a widespread, but relatively unknown human filarial parasite transmitted by Culicoides biting midges. Although it is found in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa, only
Surveillance and response systems for elimination of tropical diseases: summary of a thematic series in Infectious Diseases of Poverty (Publications)
The peer-reviewed journal Infectious Diseases of Poverty provides a new platform to engage with, and disseminate in an open-access format, science outside traditional disciplinary boundaries. The curr
Absence of hepatitis delta infection in a large rural HIV cohort in Tanzania (Publications)
OBJECTIVES: The epidemiological and clinical determinants of hepatitis delta virus (HDV) infection in sub-Saharan Africa are ill-defined. We determined the prevalence of HDV infection in HIV/hepatitis