Modelling support to decision-making for malaria control in Benin (Projects)
to gather a deeper understanding of the past malaria burden and control efforts. We then calibrate OpenMalaria , the malaria transmission simulation platform developed in-house, to quantify the transmission [...] malaria chemoprevention to children until 10 in few regions or until 5 in a larger area. We use again OpenMalaria to project the impact of the interventions on prevalence, incidence and severe cases. We provide
Country modelling to support National Malaria Control Programs - High Burden to High Impact (Projects)
of malaria-related interventions. Our work is based on the OpenMalaria modelling platform developed by the Swiss TPH and collaborators. OpenMalaria has been developed as a decision-making support tool
Assessing the Potential Health Impact of Omicron (News)
Modelling unit has been setting up an open-access transmission model for COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic, building on its experience in malaria modelling. “Our OpenCOVID transmission model provides
Report actuelles (Page)
Publication actuelles La CFHA recommande d'adapter les valeurs limites d'immissions pour protéger la santé Le rapport de la Commission fédérale de l'hygiène de l'air (CFHA) recommande, sur la base des
A nucleoside transporter from <em>Trypanosoma brucei</em> involved in drug resistance (Publications)
harbor a defective TbAT1 variant. The molecular identification of the entry route of trypanocides opens the way to approaches for diagnosis and treatment of drug-resistant sleeping sickness
Efficacy of 10-day melarsoprol schedule 2 years after treatment for late-stage gambiense sleeping sickness (Publications)
treatment for late-stage human African trypanosomiasis. This alternative schedule was assessed in an open, randomised clinical equivalence trial of 500 patients in Angola. 24 h after treatment, all patients
Geostatistical model-based estimates of schistosomiasis prevalence among individuals aged </=20 years in West Africa (Publications)
schistosomiasis prevalence maps. METHODOLOGY: We analyzed survey data compiled on a newly established open-access global neglected tropical diseases database (i) to create smooth empirical prevalence maps
Geostatistical model-based estimates of schistosomiasis prevalence among individuals aged </=20 years in West Africa (Publications)
schistosomiasis prevalence maps. METHODOLOGY: We analyzed survey data compiled on a newly established open-access global neglected tropical diseases database (i) to create smooth empirical prevalence maps
Efficacy of 10-day melarsoprol schedule 2 years after treatment for late-stage gambiense sleeping sickness (Publications)
treatment for late-stage human African trypanosomiasis. This alternative schedule was assessed in an open, randomised clinical equivalence trial of 500 patients in Angola. 24 h after treatment, all patients
A nucleoside transporter from <em>Trypanosoma brucei</em> involved in drug resistance (Publications)
harbor a defective TbAT1 variant. The molecular identification of the entry route of trypanocides opens the way to approaches for diagnosis and treatment of drug-resistant sleeping sickness