In-hospital safety in field conditions of nifurtimox eflornithine combination therapy (NECT) for <em>T.b. gambiense</em> sleeping sickness (Publications)
of its safety profile in field conditions will support its wider use.METHODOLOGY: In a multicentre, open label, single arm, phase IIIb study of the use of NECT for 2(nd) stage T.b. gambiense HAT, all patients
Diarrhoeal diseases among adult population in an agricultural community Hanam province, Vietnam, with high wastewater and excreta re-use (Publications)
exposed to wastewater and excreta used in agriculture in Hanam province, northern Vietnam. METHODS: An open cohort of 867 adults, aged 16-65 years, was followed weekly for 12 months to determine the incidence
Is misoprostol a safe, effective and acceptable alternative to manual vacuum aspiration for postabortion care? Results from a randomised trial in... (Publications)
vacuum aspiration (MVA) for treatment of incomplete abortion in a developing country setting. DESIGN: Open-label randomised controlled trial. SETTING: Two university teaching hospitals in Burkina Faso, West
Excellence in Science | Research at Swiss TPH (Page)
Christopher Woodrow is the managing editor of both journals at Swiss TPH. The journals are published Gold Open Access and offer APC waiver schemes for researchers from low and middle income countries and SSPH+
Frédéric Tripet (People)
consortium, a not-for-profit research consortium sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Open Philanthropy that aims to develop new approaches to sterile male mosquito releases to reduce the
Insecticide-treated eave nets and window screens for malaria control in Chalinze district, Tanzania: a study protocol for a household randomised... (Publications)
AI) for the control of malaria. METHODS: Four hundred and fifty (450) households with intact walls, open eaves without screens or nets on the windows in Chalinze district will be eligible and recruited upon
Lung allograft microbiome association with gastroesophageal reflux, inflammation, and allograft dysfunction (Publications)
microbial density in BALF samples, especially the CST1-specific genus, Prevotella. This article is open access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives
The promotion and development of One Health at Swiss TPH and its greater potential (Publications)
leading to the development of One Health research at the Swiss TPH were inspired by far-sighted and open ideas of the directors and heads of departments, without exerting too much influence. They followed
Relation between organophosphate pesticide metabolite concentrations with pesticide exposures, socio-economic factors and lifestyles: a... (Publications)
household income, member of household working with pesticides, living on a farm, drinking water from an open water source and eating crops from the vineyard and or garden. The study found younger age and living
Priority setting in HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria - new cost-effectiveness results from WHO-CHOICE (Publications)
determine the cost-effectiveness of the selected interventions. Impact modelling was performed using the OpenMalaria platform for malaria and using the Goals and TIME (TB Impact Model and Estimates) models in