Operational strategies of anti-malarial drug campaigns for malaria elimination in Zambia's southern province: a simulation study (Publications)
effect of alternative operational strategies for parasite clearance in southern province. METHODS: OpenMalaria, a discrete-time, individual-based stochastic model of malaria, was parameterized for the study
Same day ART initiation versus clinic-based pre-ART assessment and counselling for individuals newly tested HIV-positive during community-based HIV... (Publications)
pre-ART assessment often requiring several clinic visits before ART-initiation. METHODS: This two-armed open-label randomized controlled trial compares in individuals tested HIV-positive during community-based
Risk factors for schistosomiasis in an urban area in northern Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
(odds ratio [OR] = 0.29, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.13-0.70) and abstaining from swimming in open freshwater bodies (OR = 0.16, 95% CI: 0.04-0.56) were significantly associated with decreased odds
PEBRA trial - effect of a peer-educator coordinated preference-based ART service delivery model on viral suppression among adolescents and young... (Publications)
d by a peer-educator. METHODS: PEBRA (Peer-Educator Based Refill of ART) is a cluster randomized, open-label, superiority trial conducted at 20 health facilities in three districts of Lesotho, Southern
Effects of pyrethroid resistance on the cost effectiveness of a mass distribution of long-lasting insecticidal nets: a modelling study (Publications)
ical models, where LLINs decayed over time, were used. The epidemiological models, implemented in OpenMalaria, were employed to study the impact of a single mass distribution of LLINs on malaria, both
Couple experiences of provider-initiated couple HIV testing in an antenatal clinic in Lusaka, Zambia: lessons for policy and practice (Publications)
antenatal clinic and discusses policy and practical lessons. METHODS: Using a narrative approach, open-ended in-depth interviews were held with couples (n = 10) who underwent couple HIV testing; women
AMBITION-cm: intermittent high dose AmBisome on a high dose fluconazole backbone for cryptococcal meningitis induction therapy in sub-Saharan Africa:... (Publications)
high dose fluconazole for treatment of HIV-associated CM. METHODOLOGY/DESIGN: This is an adaptive open-label phase II/III randomised non-inferiority trial comparing alternative short course AmBisome regimens
Repeated mass distributions and continuous distribution of long-lasting insecticidal nets: modelling sustainability of health benefits from mosquito... (Publications)
were also examined. METHODS: Dynamic simulations of malaria in humans and mosquitoes were run on the OpenMalaria platform, using stochastic individual-based simulation models. LLINs were distributed in a
Response, survival, and long-term toxicity after therapy with the radiolabeled somatostatin analogue [90Y-DOTA]-TOC in metastasized neuroendocrine... (Publications)
([(90)Y-DOTA]-TOC) in neuroendocrine cancers. PATIENTS AND METHODS In a clinical phase II single-center open-label trial, patients with neuroendocrine cancers were treated with repeated cycles of [(90)Y-DOTA]-TOC
Data and Statistical Analysis Support | Swiss TPH (Page)
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