
Heuschnupfen nimmt zu wegen Klimawandel

Mit dem Klimawandel verschlimmert sich die Heuschnupfensituation in der Schweiz: die Heuschnupfenperiode wird länger, die Pollenkonzentrationen höher und hochallergene invasive… More...


Gesundheitsrisiko Hitze: Handlungsbedarf bei Sensibilisierung der Bevölkerung

Im Auftrag des Bundes führte das Swiss TPH die erste landesweit repräsentative Bevölkerungsbefragung in der Schweiz zum Thema Hitze und Gesundheit durch. Die Ergebnisse zeigen,… More...


154 Million Deaths Averted: Contribution of Vaccination over the Past 50 Years

In 1974, the World Health Organization launched its Expanded Programme on Immunization. Now, 50 years later, a study shows that an estimated 154 million deaths have been averted… More...


CALINA Study Shows Positive Efficacy and Safety Data for a Novel Treatment for Small Babies

Novartis and Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) announce positive data from their phase II/III CALINA study, demonstrating that a novel formulation of Coartem®… More...


Accelerating the Fight against Malaria - World Malaria Day 2024

With over 600,000 deaths in 2022, malaria remains one of the biggest health threats particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Against this background, the Multilateral Initiative on… More...


Neue Entdeckung enthüllt Mechanismus der Malariainvasion

Eine neue Entdeckung gibt Aufschluss darüber, wie der Malariaparasit Plasmodium falciparum in menschliche rote Blutkörperchen eindringt. Die Studie unter der Leitung des… More...


Parasitic Worms and Liver Disease in Rural Laos

A study published yesterday by Swiss TPH and partners in Lao PDR has revealed high rates of Steatotic Liver Disease in a rural region where liver fluke infections and diabetes are… More...


Swiss TPH Symposium: Improving Access to Healthcare in LMICs

Access to drugs, diagnostics and vaccines remains a challenge in many in low- and middle-income countries. Today, 8 February 2024, Swiss TPH hosted a symposium bringing together… More...


Günther Fink Appointed Full Professor at the University of Basel

Günther Fink, Head of the Household Economics and Health System Research unit at Swiss TPH, has been appointed Full Professor at the Faculty of Business and Economics and the… More...