CTC Research Study on HPV - Controlled Temperature Chain Research Study on HPV in Côte d'Ivoire
Project Abstract
The Vaccine Innovation Prioritization Strategy (VIPS) goal is to provide greater clarity on lower- and middle-income country (LMIC) needs to manufacturers as well as partners to inform and influence investment decisions. The Controlled Temperature Chain (CTC) is an innovative approach to vaccine management allowing vaccines to be kept at temperatures outside of the traditional cold chain of +2°C to +8°C for a limited period of time under monitored and controlled conditions. The VIPS Alliance has decided to commission research studies on CTC.
In order to provide decision-makers at national and international levels with a robust and comprehensive body of evidence on CTC, we will carry out a mixed methods approach alongside an experimental study design to assess CTC within four domains: (a) vaccination coverage and equity; (b) process and implementation issues; (c) knowledge and perceptions by stakeholders about CTC and (d) costs, cost-effectiveness and cost-savings. We will also explore how stakeholders position themselves in relation to CTC to ascertain potential impact on evidence uptake, on vaccine hesitancy or on workflow and workload perceptions. We will use a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods to address this research domain. We will also analyse costs of CTC compared with non-CTC to establish overall costs, incremental costs for additional child vaccinated as well as cost-effectiveness.