Onen H, Kaindoa E.W, Nkya J, Limwagu A, Kaddumukasa M.A, Okumu F.O, Kayondo J.K, Akol A.M, Tripet F. Semi-field experiments reveal contrasted predation and movement patterns of aquatic macroinvertebrate predators of Anopheles gambiae larvae. Malar J. 2025;24:4. DOI: 10.1186/s12936-025-05242-8

Journal Article

Birungi K, Mabuka D.P, Balyesima V, Tripet F, Kayondo J.K. Attributes of Anopheles gambiae swarms in South Central Uganda. Parasit Vectors. 2024;17(1):149. DOI: 10.1186/s13071-024-06132-9

Journal Article

Irish S.R, Nimmo D, Bharmel J, Tripet F, Müller P, Manrique-Saide P, Moore S.J. A review of selective indoor residual spraying for malaria control. Malar J. 2024;23:252. DOI: 10.1186/s12936-024-05053-3

Journal Article

Mapua S.A, Limwagu A.J, Kishkinev D, Kifungo K, Nambunga I.H, Mziray S, John G, Mtiro W, Ukio K, Lezaun J, Tripet F, Okumu F.O. Empowering rural communities for effective larval source management: a small-scale field evaluation of a community-led larviciding approach to control malaria in south-eastern Tanzania. Parasite Epidemiol Control. 2024;27:e00382. DOI: 10.1016/j.parepi.2024.e00382

Journal Article

Mapua S.A, Nambunga I.H, Odero J.O, Mkandawile G, Masalu J.P, Kahamba N.F, Hape E.E, Matowo N.S, Tripet F, Okumu F.O. Insights into the biology and insecticide susceptibility of the secondary malaria vector Anopheles parensis in an area with long-term use of insecticide-treated nets in northwestern Tanzania. Parasit Vectors. 2024;17:549. DOI: 10.1186/s13071-024-06634-6

Journal Article

Mapua S.A, Samb B, Nambunga I.H, Mkandawile G, Bwanaly H, Kaindoa E.W, Odero J.O, Masalu J.P, Kahamba N.F, Hape E.E, Govella N.J, Okumu F.O, Tripet F. Entomological survey of sibling species in the Anopheles funestus group in Tanzania confirms the role of Anopheles parensis as a secondary malaria vector. Parasit Vectors. 2024;17:261. DOI: 10.1186/s13071-024-06348-9

Journal Article

Meza F.C, Tenywa F.C, Ashall S, Okumu F.O, Moore S.J, Tripet F. Scalable camera traps for measuring the attractiveness of sugar baits for controlling malaria and dengue vectors. Parasit Vectors. 2024;17:499. DOI: 10.1186/s13071-024-06539-4

Journal Article

Onen H, Kaddumukasa M.A, Kayondo J.K, Akol A.M, Tripet F. A review of applications and limitations of using aquatic macroinvertebrate predators for biocontrol of the African malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiae sensu lato. Parasit Vectors. 2024;17:257. DOI: 10.1186/s13071-024-06332-3

Journal Article

Ottih E.C, Tripet F. Natural variation in timing of egg hatching, response to water agitation, and bidirectional selection of early and late hatching strains of the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae sensu lato. Parasit Vectors. 2024;17:478. DOI: 10.1186/s13071-024-06533-w

Journal Article

Ahmed A.M, Alotaibi A.M, Al-Qahtani W.S, Tripet F, Amer S.A. Forensic DNA analysis of mixed mosquito blood meals: STR profiling for human identification. Insects. 2023;14(5):467. DOI: 10.3390/insects14050467

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