Evidence for Better Health


Yesterday’s Spring Symposium on “Evidence Meets Decision-Makers” brought together 130 health experts, policy makers and researchers to discuss better use of evidence for health. The symposium looked at the perspective of policy makers, the challenges around producing quality data, its effective use as well as evidence synthesis and dissemination.

Availability of quality data is crucial to make decisions on improving health for people globally. Speakers at the Swiss TPH Spring Symposium shared experiences and lessons learned from Mozambique, Nigeria, Côte d'Ivoire and Switzerland on the importance of data for decision making. Participants also discussed approaches on how to translate science into action and how to address challenges such as limited resources, health worker capacities, donor priorities or disease outbreaks. Proposed solutions include better engagement of stakeholders and addressing health system issues such as health information systems. 

Speakers included Jürg Utzinger (Swiss TPH), Xavier Bosch-Capblanch (Swiss TPH), Mamadou Samba (Ministry of Health, Côte d’Ivoire), Graça Matsinhe (Ministry of Health, Mozambique), Rodion Kraus (Health Partners International, UK), Martin Raab (Swiss TPH), Anthony Burton (former WHO), Abdullahi Garba (National Primary Healthcare Development Agency, Nigeria), Meike Zuske (Swiss TPH), Angela Oya-Ita (University of Calabar, Nigeria) and Martin Röösli (Swiss TPH).

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