Prof. Frédéric Tripet

Until 2023, Professor Frederic Tripet was Director of the Centre for Applied Entomology and Parasitology at the University of Keele in the UK. He is now Scientific project Leader at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute. He holds a doctorate in Behavioural Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Bern, Switzerland, complemented by postdoctoral training in Molecular Biology and Population Genetics from the University of California Los Angeles, University of Texas Medical Branch and University of California Davis. His collaborative research partnerships with major vector endemic countries span five continents and focus on the applied integrative biology of mosquitoes that transmit human pathogens, such as Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika, with a view on developing novel tools for their control.

From 2008 to 2011, Prof. Frederic Tripet coordinated the first capacity building grant on mosquito molecular engineering in Africa, funded by the Wellcome Trust and which involved building new containment facilities at the Malaria Research and Training center in Mali, West Africa. From 2018-2023 F. Tripet was a partner and field entomology technical coordinator on the Target Malaria consortium, a not-for-profit research consortium sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Open Philanthropy that aims to develop new approaches to sterile male mosquito releases to reduce the population of malaria-transmitting mosquitoes in sub-Saharan Africa. He is currently a senior advisor and field entomology coordinator of Transmission Zero, a research programme funded by the BGMF foundation and aiming to interrupt malaria transmission via mosquito genetic population replacement strategies. Other ongoing projects include the development of monitoring camera stations for ATSB trials, Nanopore next-gen sequencing workflows for species and pathogen detections from monitoring traps, population genetics and ecology of An. funestus, and evolutionary biology optimization approaches to understanding female malaria mosquito oviposition stragegies and pesticide avoidance.

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Ahmed A.M, Alotaibi A.M, Al-Qahtani W.S, Tripet F, Amer S.A. Forensic DNA analysis of mixed mosquito blood meals: STR profiling for human identification. Insects. 2023;14(5):467. DOI: 10.3390/insects14050467

Vector Control