Léchenne M, Montolnan A, Madjiyangué N, Toubangué Y, Pereira M, Delcroix P, Monnier N, Matthys B, Revault D. Improving access to quality health care for refugees and rural populations with a digital solution in Chad : user satisfaction with a digital health tool in Chad. Geneva Health Forum Conference, 27-29 May 2024. Geneva, 2024

Conference Paper

Matthys B, Karimova G, Mengliboeva Z, Kiefer S, Afandiyeva G, Prytherch H. Health planning approach integrating a health literacy concept and using community health teams in Tajikistan: 'work for the sake of my health and the health of the community'. J Rural Community Dev. 2023;18(4):103-124

Journal Article

Matthys B, Ngaradoumadji M, Dande S, Abakar M, Delcroix P, Cherdron T.S, Monnier N, Zahorka M, Sugimoto K, Revault D, Lamoudi Y, Prytherch H, Raab M, Wyss K. A digital solution for a better health management of refugees in Chad. Trop Med Int Health, 2021;26(Suppl. 1):139-140

Conference Paper

Lechthaler F, Matthys B, Lechthaler-Felber G, Likwela J.L, Mavoko H.M, Rika J.M, Mutombo M.M, Ruckstuhl L, Barczyk J, Shargie E, Prytherch H, Lengeler C. Trends in reported malaria cases and the effects of malaria control in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. PLoS One. 2019;14(7):e0219853. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0219853

Journal Article

Crivelli M, Wyss K, Grize L, Matthys B, Aebi T, Zemp E. Are overweight and obesity in children risk factors for anemia in early childhood? Results from a national nutrition survey in Tajikistan. Int J Public Health. 2018;63(4):491-499. DOI: 10.1007/s00038-018-1088-4

Journal Article

Molesworth K, Sécula F, Eager R.A, Murodova Z, Yarbaeva S, Matthys B. Impact of group formation on women's empowerment and economic resilience in rural Tajikistan. J Rural Community Dev. 2017;12(1):1-22

Journal Article

Pothin E, Segura L, Galactionova K, Bohle L, Matthys B, Briët O.J.T, Smith T.A. A methodology for malaria programme impact evaluation. PeerJ Preprints. 2017;5:e3263v1

Magazine Article

Matthys B, Steinmann P, Karimova G, Tagoev T, Abdurahmonov A, Costa J, Kasimova S.J, Wyss K. Prevalence of impaired glucose metabolism and potential predictors: a rapid appraisal among >/= 45 year old residents of southern Tajikistan. J Diabetes. 2015;7(4):540-547. DOI: 10.1111/1753-0407.12214

Journal Article

Matthys B, Davlatmamadova M, Karimova G, Jean-Richard V, Zimmermann M.B, Wyss K. Iodine nutritional status and risk factors for goitre among schoolchildren in South Tajikistan. BMC Endocr Disord. 2013;13:50. DOI: 10.1186/1472-6823-13-50

Journal Article

Kiefer S, Matthys B, Beknazarova G, Wyss K. Qualitative research report - Demand and supply-side incentives to increase utilization of primary health care services in Tajikistan. Basel: Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, 2012


Raso G, Schur N, Utzinger J, Koudou B.G, Tchicaya E.S, Rohner F, N'Goran E.K, Silué K.D, Matthys B, Assi S, Tanner M, Vounatsou P. Mapping malaria risk among children in Côte d'Ivoire using Bayesian geo-statistical models. Malar J. 2012;11:160. DOI: 10.1186/1475-2875-11-160

Journal Article

Steinmann P, Cringoli G, Bruschi F, Matthys B, Lohourignon L.K, Castagna B, Maurelli M.P, Morgoglione M.E, Utzinger J, Rinaldi L. FLOTAC for the diagnosis of Hymenolepis spp. infection: proof-of-concept and comparing diagnostic accuracy with other methods. Parasitol Res. 2012;111(2):749-754. DOI: 10.1007/s00436-012-2895-9

Journal Article

Steinmann P, Kiefer S, Kamoliddinov P, Matthys B, Hanlon P, Wyss K. Demand and supply-side incentives to increase utilization of primary health care services in Tajikistan: part II.: quantitative research report. Basel: Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, 2012


Matthys B, Bobieva M, Karimova G, Mengliboeva Z, Jean-Richard V, Hoimnazarova M, Kurbonova M, Lohourignon L.K, Utzinger J, Wyss K. Prevalence and risk factors of helminths and intestinal protozoa infections among children from primary schools in western Tajikistan. Parasit Vectors. 2011;4:195. DOI: 10.1186/1756-3305-4-195

Journal Article

Adiko F.A, Matthys B, Cissé G, Bonfoh B, Tanner M, Utzinger J. Relation entre le capital humain des maraîchers urbains et leurs comportements de prévention des risques sanitaires sur les sites de culture à Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire). VertigO. 2010;10(2):1-9. DOI: 10.4000/vertigo.10088

Journal Article

Jeandron A, Abdyldaieva G, Usubalieva J, Ensink J.H, Cox J, Matthys B, Rinaldi L, Cringoli G, Utzinger J. Accuracy of the Kato-Katz, adhesive tape and FLOTAC techniques for helminth diagnosis among children in Kyrgyzstan. Acta Trop. 2010;116(3):185-192. DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2010.08.010

Journal Article

Matthys B, Koudou B.G, N'Goran E.K, Vounatsou P, Gosoniu L, Koné M, Cissé G, Utzinger J. Spatial dispersion and characterisation of mosquito breeding habitats in urban vegetable-production areas of Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. Ann Trop Med Parasitol. 2010;104(8):649-666. DOI: 10.1179/136485910X12851868780108

Journal Article

Utzinger J, Botero-Kleiven S, Castelli F, Chiodini P.L, Edwards H, Köhler N, Gulletta M, Lebbad M, Manser M, Matthys B, N'Goran E.K, Tannich E, Vounatsou P, Marti H. Microscopic diagnosis of sodium acetate-acetic acid-formalin-fixed stool samples for helminths and intestinal protozoa: a comparison among European reference laboratories. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2010;16(3):267-273. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-0691.2009.02782.x

Journal Article

Matthys B, Murugi J, de Haan S, Mäusezahl D, Wyss K. Research for health and health system strengthening in Africa: a study on the relevance and impact of research on health and health system strengthening in Sub-Saharan Africa. Geneva: Council on Health Research for Development (COHRED), 2009


Matthys B, Sherkanov T, Karimov S.S, Khabirov Z, Mostowlansky T, Utzinger J, Wyss K. History of malaria control in Tajikistan and rapid malaria appraisal in an agro-ecological setting. Malar J. 2008;7:217

Journal Article

Koudou B.G, Adja A.M, Matthys B, Doumbia M, Cissé G, Koné M, Tanner M, Utzinger J. Pratiques agricoles et transmission du paludisme dans deux zones éco-épidémiologiques au centre de la Côte d'Ivoire. Bull Soc Pathol Exot. 2007;100(2):124-126

Journal Article

Matthys B, Tschannen A.B, Tian-Bi N.T, Comoe H, Diabate S, Traore M, Vounatsou P, Raso G, Gosoniu L, Tanner M, Cissé G, N'Goran E.K, Utzinger J. Risk factors for Schistosoma mansoni and hookworm in urban farming communities in western Côte d'Ivoire. Trop Med Int Health. 2007;12(6):709-723

Journal Article

Steinmann P, Zhou X.N, Matthys B, Li Y.L, Li H.J, Chen S.R, Yang Z, Fan W, Jia T.W, Li L.H, Vounatsou P, Utzinger J. Spatial risk profiling of Schistosoma japonicum in Eryuan county, Yunnan province, China. Geospat Health. 2007;2(1):59-73

Journal Article

Matthys B, Adiko F.A, Cissé G, Wyss K, Tschannen A.B, Tanner M, Utzinger J. Le réseau social des maraîchers à Abidjan agit sur la perception des préoccupations et des risques sanitaires liés à l'eau. VertigO. 2006;Hors Série 3(Chapitre 8):1-11. DOI: 10.4000/vertigo.1857

Journal Article

Matthys B, N'Goran E.K, Koné M, Koudou B.G, Vounatsou P, Cissé G, Tschannen A.B, Tanner M, Utzinger J. Urban agricultural land use and characterization of mosquito larval habitats in a medium-sized town of Côte d'Ivoire. J Vector Ecol. 2006;31(2):319-333

Journal Article

Matthys B, Vounatsou P, Raso G, Tschannen A.B, Becket E.G, Gosoniu L, Cissé G, Tanner M, N'Goran E.K, Utzinger J. Urban farming and malaria risk factors in a medium-sized town in Côte d'Ivoire. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2006;75(6):1223-1231

Journal Article

Matthys Barbara. The effect of irrigated urban agriculture on malaria, schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis in different settings of Côte d'Ivoire. Basel: Univ. Basel, 2006. Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science DOI: 10.5451/unibas-004642039


Raso G, Matthys B, N'Goran E.K, Tanner M, Vounatsou P, Utzinger J. Spatial risk prediction and mapping of Schistosoma mansoni infections among schoolchildren living in western Côte d'Ivoire. Parasitology. 2005;131(Pt 1):97-108

Journal Article

Raso G, Utzinger J, Silué K.D, Ouattara M, Yapi A, Toty A, Matthys B, Vounatsou P, Tanner M, N'Goran E.K. Disparities in parasitic infections, perceived ill health and access to health care among poorer and less poor schoolchildren of rural Côte d'Ivoire. Trop Med Int Health. 2005;10(1):42-57

Journal Article

Raso G, Luginbühl A, Adjoua C.A, Tian-Bi N.T, Silué K.D, Matthys B, Vounatsou P, Wang Y, Dumas M.E, Holmes E, Singer B.H, Tanner M, N'Goran E.K, Utzinger J. Multiple parasite infections and their relationship to self-reported morbidity in a community of rural Côte d'Ivoire. Int J Epidemiol. 2004;33(5):1092-1102

Journal Article