Sant Fruchtman C, Kallis N, Govender S, Bradshaw D, Cobos D, Morof D, Groenewald P. Exploring the potential of introducing an electronic death registration system in South Africa. Health Res Policy Syst. 2024;22(1):177. DOI: 10.1186/s12961-024-01275-8

Journal Article

Sant Fruchtman C, Yllir A, Jorgoni E, Rama R, Cobos Muñoz D, Revenga Becedas R. Critical role of the health sector in responding to violence against women: IAMANEH Schweiz, Counselling Line for Women and Girls, Woman to Woman, Swiss TPH, 2024. Policy Brief


Awotiwon O, Fruchtman C.S, Groenewald P, Cobos Muñoz D, Seebregts C, Nannan N, Eynstone-Hinkins J, Carvajal E, Lugmana G, Cheburet S, Vargas J, Pinto C.S, Tabaro C, Sutton P, Anderson R, Morof D, Bradshaw D. Online capture of the medical certificate of cause of death – scoping study for South Africa. Cape Town: South African Medical Research Council, 2023


Thelen J, Sant Fruchtman C, Bilal M, Gabaake K, Iqbal S, Keakabetse T, Kwamie A, Mokalake E, Mupara L.M, Seitio-Kgokgwe O, Zafar S, Cobos Muñoz D. Development of the systems thinking for health actions framework: a literature review and a case study. BMJ Glob Health. 2023;8(3):e010191. DOI: 10.1136/bmjgh-2022-010191

Journal Article

Zafar S, Loo P.S, Avais A.R, Afghan S, de Savigny D, Cobos Muñoz D, Sant Fruchtman C. Unveiling maternal health insights during the COVID-19 pandemic in Pakistan: using causal loop diagrams to illuminate and prevent unintended policy effects. Glob Health Sci Pract. 2023;11(5):e2100803. DOI: 10.9745/ghsp-d-21-00803

Journal Article

Cobos Muñoz D, Sant Fruchtman C, Miki J, Vargas-Herrera J, Woode S, Dake F.A.A, Clapham B, de Savigny D, Botchway E. The need to address fragmentation and silos in mortality information systems: the case of Ghana and Peru. Int J Public Health. 2022;67:1604721. DOI: 10.3389/ijph.2022.1604721

Journal Article

Revenga Becedas R, Sant Fruchtman C, Dincu I, de Savigny D, Cobos Muñoz D. Addressing the evidence gap in the economic and social benefits of civil registration and vital statistics systems: a systematic review. Public Health Rev. 2022;43:1604560. DOI: 10.3389/phrs.2022.1604560

Journal Article

Sant Fruchtman C, Bilal Khalid M, Keakabetse T, Bonito A, Saulnier D.D, Mupara L.M, Iqbal S, de Almeida A, da Silva H, de Jesus D, Prytherch H, Mokalake E, Cobos Muñoz D, Zafar S. Digital communities of practice: one step towards decolonising global health partnerships. BMJ Glob Health. 2022;7(2):e008174. DOI: 10.1136/bmjgh-2021-008174

Journal Item

Sant Fruchtman C, Fischer F.B, Monzón Llamas L, Tavakkoli M, Cobos Muñoz D, Antillón M. Did COVID-19 policies have the same effect on COVID-19 incidence among women and men? Evidence from Spain and Switzerland. Int J Public Health. 2022;67:1604994. DOI: 10.3389/ijph.2022.1604994

Journal Article

Tavakkoli M, Karim A, Fischer F.B, Monzon Llamas L, Raoofi A, Zafar S, Sant Fruchtman C, de Savigny D, Takian A, Antillón M, Cobos Muñoz D. From public health policy to impact for COVID-19: a multi-country case study in Switzerland, Spain, Iran and Pakistan. Int J Public Health. 2022;67:1604969. DOI: 10.3389/ijph.2022.1604969

Journal Article

Zafar S, Sant Fruchtman C, Bilal Khalid M, Zia Z, Khalid Khan F, Iqbal S, Cobos Muñoz D. Lessons learnt of the COVID-19 contact tracing strategy in Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan using systems thinking processes. Front Public Health. 2022;10:909931. DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.909931

Journal Article

Nyondo T, Msigwa G, Cobos Muñoz D, Kabadi G, Macha T, Karugendo E, Mugasa J, Semu G, Levira F, Sant Fruchtman C, Mwanza J, Lyatuu I, Bratschi M, Kumalija C.J, Setel P, de Savigny D. Improving quality of medical certification of causes of death in health facilities in Tanzania 2014-2019. BMC Health Serv Res. 2021;21(Suppl. 1):214. DOI: 10.1186/s12913-021-06189-7

Journal Article

Sant Fruchtman C, Mbuyita S, Mwanyika-Sando M, Braun M, de Savigny D, Cobos Muñoz D. The complexity of scaling up an mHealth intervention: the case of SMS for Life in Tanzania from a health systems integration perspective. BMC Health Serv Res. 2021;21:343. DOI: 10.1186/s12913-021-06285-8

Journal Article