Building on Success - Malaria Control and Elimination

Swiss TPH Winter Symposium - 8-9 December 2016 - Congress Center Basel, Switzerland

The Swiss TPH Winter Symposium 2016 invites medical and health sector specialists to review and discuss history, successes and future of Malaria control and elimination. Topics will include:

  • Malaria Control History, Successes and the Way Forward
  • Vector Control
  • Antimalarial Drug Discovery
  • Extending the Use of Antimalarials
  • Malaria Vaccines
  • Surveillance and Health Systems
  • Country Issues, Technical Support and Capacity Building

Programme, Thursday, 8 December

Welcome and Registration
08:15    Registration
08:45    Welcome and Introduction, Christian Lengeler, Swiss TPH

Session 1 – Setting the Scene and Highlighting Successes
Chair:  Marcel Tanner, Swiss TPH
09:00    History of Malaria Control and Lessons Learned, Justin Cohen, Clinton Health Access Initiative, USA
09:30    A Quantitative History of Malaria in Maps, Ewan Cameron, University of Oxford, UK
10:00     Where We Stand and Where We Want To Go, Pedro Alonso, Global Malaria Programme World Health Organization, Switzerland
10:30    Coffee Break

Session 2 – Malaria Vaccines
Chair: Blaise Genton, Swiss TPH
11:00     Challenging the Current Vaccine Pipeline, Odile Leroy, European Vaccine Initiative, Germany
11:30     Vaccine R&D for Infectious Diseases with Epidemic Potential, Marie-Paule Kieny, World Health Organization, Switzerland
12:00    Defining Success for Next Generation Malaria Vaccines, Melissa Penny, Swiss TPH
12:30    Lunch

Session 3 – Antimalarial Drug Discovery
Chair:  Hans-Peter Beck, Swiss TPH
14:00    Mass Production of Gametocytes: Opportunities for Drug and Vaccine Discovery, Till Voss, Swiss TPH
14:30    Global Drug Discovery for Malaria, Paul Willis, Medicines for Malaria Venture, Switzerland
15:00    Drug Discovery at Swiss TPH, Matthias Rottmann, Swiss TPH
15:30    Coffee Break

Session 4 – Extending the Use of Antimalarials
Chair: Andrea Bosman, World Health Organization
16:00    Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention, Badara Cisse, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK
16:30    Mass Drug Administration – When Is It Useful? Kwaku Poku Asante, Kintampo Health Research Centre, Ghana
17:00    Changing Malaria Risk for Travellers, Christoph Hatz, Swiss TPH
17:30    Launch of Swiss Malaria Group Photo Contest 2017 and Cocktails

Programme, Friday, December 9

Session 5 – Vector Control
Chair: Pie Müller, Swiss TPH
09:00   Vector Control Strategies and Successes, Tessa Knox, World Health Organization, Switzerland
09:30   Insecticide Resistance: Why It Matters and What We Can Do, Mark Hoppé, Syngenta, Switzerland
10:00    New Tools and Innovations in Vector Control, Sarah Moore, Swiss TPH
10:30    Coffee Break

Session 6 – Surveillance and Health Systems
Chair: Fabrizio Tediosi, Swiss TPH
11:00    Surveillance as an Intervention, Marcel Tanner, Swiss TPH
11:30    Diagnostics for Malaria Surveillance, Ingrid Felger, Swiss TPH
12:00   Better Health Systems for Malaria Surveillance and Control, Ikupa Akim and Fabrizio Molteni, Swiss TPH NETCELL Project, Tanzania
12:30    Lunch

Session 7 – Country Issues, Technical Support and Capacity Building
Chair: Kaspar Wyss, Swiss TPH
13:30    Focus on the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Joris Losimba Likwela, National Malaria Control Programme, DR Congo
14:00    Focus on Tanzania, Renata Mandike, National Malaria Control Programme, Tanzania
14:30    Swiss TPH’s Support to the Global Malaria Control Effort, Helen Prytherch, Swiss TPH
15:00    Maintaining Momentum, Achieving Successes, Bernard Nahlen, President’s Malaria Initiative USAID, USA
15:30    Closing Words, Jürg Utzinger, Director Swiss TPH
15:40    Coffee Break

Geigy Foundation Award 2016
16:00    Rudolf Geigy Foundation Award Ceremony
              - Geigy Award Intro
              - Giovanna Raso
              - Jean Coulibaly
              - Geigy Award 2016

17:30    Cocktails


Christian Lengeler (Content)
Konstantina Boutsika (Content)
Joanne Blackwell (Event)

{"locations":{"0":{"title":"Congress Center Basel, Switzerland","description":"<p><a href=\"http:\/\/\/\" class=\"external-link-new-window\" title=\"Opens external link in new window\" data-htmlarea-external=\"1\">Congress Center Basel<\/a><br \/>Messeplatz 21<br \/>4058 Basel<br \/> Switzerland&nbsp;<br \/>+41 58 206 28 28<\/p><p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/maps\/place\/Congress+Center+Basel\/@47.5625329,7.5971159,17z\/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x4791b9b9f44ce80f:0x549e8c49a2c2cdc1!8m2!3d47.5625329!4d7.5991299\" class=\"external-link-new-window\" title=\"Opens external link in new window\" data-htmlarea-external=\"1\">On Google Maps<\/a><\/p><p><\/p>","latitude":"47.56274","longitude":"7.59939","projects":{}}}}
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