Unit | Tuberculosis Ecology and Evolution

TB Research in the BSL3-Laboratory at Swiss TPH

The Tuberculosis Ecology and Evolution Unit studies the causes and consequences of genetic diversity in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC), the bacteria that cause tuberculosis (TB). We combine various disciplines to study the global diversity of the MTBC, the evolutionary forces that drive this diversity, and the phenotypic consequences of this diversity for the biology and the epidemiology of TB.

Our research comprises three complementary arms:

  • The global population structure of the MTBC
  • Ecology and evolution of drug-resistant MTBC
  • Genomic epidemiology of TB


An important part of this work relies on our long-term partnerships with collaborators in TB-endemic countries. These include the Ifakara Health Institute in Tanzania, the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research in Ghana, and the National Centre for Tuberculosis and Lung Disease in Georgia.

The Global Population Structure of the MTBC

The human-adapted MTBC comprises seven phylogenetic lineages that are associated with different regions of the world. We use comparative whole genome sequencing to study the differences between these lineages and the evolutionary forces shaping this diversity. We combine various –omics technologies with functional assays and epidemiological data to investigate the phenotypic consequences of this diversity. Read more

Ecology and Evolution of Drug-Resistant MTBC

Drug resistance poses a growing threat to global health. When drug-resistant bacteria first emerge, they are often less transmissible than susceptible strains – this is because drug resistance in bacteria is often associated with a reduction in Darwinian fitness. However, evolution is a continuous process, and drug-resistant bacteria readily adapt and regain the ability to transmit. This process is mediated by compensatory mutations. Further information

Genomic epidemiology of TB

Recent advances in whole-genome sequencing have revolutionized molecular epidemiological investigation of TB. We use such genomic epidemiological approaches to study the transmission dynamics of TB in Switzerland and in TB-endemic countries. We also explore the micro-evolution of MTBC in individual patients during treatment. More information

Cirillo D et al. A successful UN High-Level Meeting on antimicrobial resistance must build on the 2023 UN High-Level Meeting on tuberculosis. Lancet Glob Health. 2024;12(8):e1225-e1226. DOI: 10.1016/s2214-109x(24)00229-8

Conceição E.C et al. A genome-focused investigation reveals the emergence of a Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain related to multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in the Amazon region of Brazil. Microorganisms. 2024;12(9):1817. DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms12091817

Duwor S, Brites D, Mäser P. Phylogenetic analysis of pyruvate-ferredoxin oxidoreductase, a redox enzyme involved in the pharmacological activation of nitro-based prodrugs in bacteria and protozoa. Biology (Basel). 2024;13(3):178. DOI: 10.3390/biology13030178

Esteves L.S et al. Genetic characterization and population structure of drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolated from Brazilian patients using whole-genome sequencing. Antibiotics (Basel). 2024;13(6):496. DOI: 10.3390/antibiotics13060496

Hailu E et al. Corrigendum: Lack of methoxy-mycolates characterizes the geographically restricted lineage 7 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. Microb Genom. 2024;10(3). DOI: 10.1099/mgen.0.001226