Modelling reactive case detection strategies for interrupting transmission of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> malaria (Publications)
on strategies vary, and it is unclear which are most effective in achieving elimination. METHODS: OpenMalaria, an established individual-based stochastic model, was used to simulate RCD in a Zambia-like
Burden of disease based methods for estimating the socio-economic cost of environmental stressors (Projects)
environmental stressors. The methods will be co-developed with key stakeholders, made available as open access tools, and trialled in different EU countries. To ensure sustainability, transferability of
An interactive application for malaria elimination transmission and costing in the Asia-Pacific (Publications)
method for communicating complex model results with a user-friendly and intuitive framework. Using open-source technologies, we designed and developed an interactive application to disseminate the modelling
Air quality in Tehran, Iran: Evaluating acute health effects and modeling the long-term spatial variability (Projects)
of air pollution and the related daily public health burden. Furthermore, results of this work will open up new avenues for next generation of air pollution monitoring, modelling, and epidemiology in Iran
Treatment strategies to control blood pressure in people with hypertension in Tanzania and Lesotho: a randomized clinical trial (Publications)
among persons with untreated hypertension in Africa. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This was an open-label, parallel, 3-arm randomized clinical trial to evaluate noninferiority of a strategy starting
A cluster randomized trial assessing the effect of a digital health algorithm on quality of care in Tanzania (DYNAMIC study) (Publications)
. However, data from real-world randomized trials are lacking. We conducted a cluster randomized, open-label trial in Tanzania evaluating the use of a digital clinical decision support algorithm (CDSA)
AnophelesModel: an R package to interface mosquito bionomics, human exposure and intervention effects with models of malaria intervention impact (Publications)
available for different geographical regions, we developed AnophelesModel. AnophelesModel is an online, open-access R package that quantifies the impact of vector control interventions depending on mosquito
Fexinidazole (Page)
African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) Due to T.b. Gambiense: Pivotal, Non-inferiority, Multicentre, Randomised, Open-label Study Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) or sleeping sickness is caused by the protozoa Trypanosoma
Coping with emerging public health problems (Page)
diseases. We call this kind of modern environmental research exposome research. In April 2022, Swiss TPH opened its new headquarters in Allschwil. What opportunities does the new infrastructure offer? Our new
Studying under war conditions – student perspectives (Page)
first days of the war, having seen how many people were hiding at the Kharkiv subway stations, I opened a small first-aid post where I provided necessary care for three months. Back then, I was a fifth-year [...] if the war started, we would have to provide care to everyone in need, because we are doctors. "I opened a small first-aid post where I provided necessary care for three months. " I realize that this year