Mass campaigns combining antimalarial drugs and anti-infective vaccines as seasonal interventions for malaria control, elimination and prevention of... (Publications)
threatened by resistance. METHODS: Malaria transmission and intervention dynamics were simulated using OpenMalaria, an individual-based simulation model of malaria transmission, by considering a seasonal t
Impact of a complex gender-transformative intervention on maternal and child health outcomes in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo: protocol of... (Publications)
Focus group discussions and in-depth interviews will be conducted. All narrative data will be coded (open coding) with the help of qualitative data analysis software (Atlas TI). DISCUSSION: Women's empowerment
Europe-wide high-spatial resolution air pollution models are improved by including traffic flow estimates on all roads (Publications)
Europe-wide air pollution models. We built separate random forests (RF) models for different road types in OpenStreetMap (highway, primary, secondary and tertiary, and residential roads). We collected observations
Soil-transmitted helminth infection in South America: a systematic review and geostatistical meta-analysis (Publications)
relevant survey prevalence data. We georeferenced 6948 survey locations and entered the data into the open-access Global Neglected Tropical Diseases database. Survey data were sparse for the south of the continent
Same day ART initiation versus clinic-based pre-ART assessment and counselling for individuals newly tested HIV-positive during community-based HIV... (Publications)
pre-ART assessment often requiring several clinic visits before ART-initiation. METHODS: This two-armed open-label randomized controlled trial compares in individuals tested HIV-positive during community-based
"But at home, with the midwife, you are a person": experiences and impact of a new early postpartum home-based midwifery care model in the view of... (Publications)
postpartum care at home, as "relieving and strengthening" in that midwives coordinated patient care that opened up access to appropriate community-based support services. The mothers expressed that they felt a
Protocol for validation of the Global Scales for Early Development (GSED) for children under 3 years of age in seven countries (Publications)
international organisations, academic journals and conference proceedings. REGISTRATION DETAILS: Open Science Framework on 19 November 2021 (DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/KX5T7; identifier: osf
Effect of preventive chemotherapy with praziquantel on schistosomiasis among school-aged children in sub-Saharan Africa: a spatiotemporal modelling... (Publications)
mansoni survey data. The models included data on climatic predictors obtained from satellites and other open-source environmental databases and socioeconomic predictors obtained from various household surveys
Rabies mortality and morbidity associated with animal bites in Africa: a case for integrated rabies disease surveillance, prevention and control: a... (Publications)
the need for a policy to drive the goal of zero dog-transmitted rabies to humans by 2030.This is an open-access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC
A 24-week, all-oral regimen for rifampin-resistant tuberculosis (Publications)
have a more acceptable side-effect profile than current regimens are needed. METHODS: We conducted an open-label, phase 2-3, multicenter, randomized, controlled, noninferiority trial to evaluate the efficacy