Photo: Olivier Brandenberg/Swiss TPH
Photo: Olivier Brandenberg/Swiss TPH (mit KI bearbeitet)

Making the world a healthier place

Wir erforschen neuartige Diagnostika, Medikamente und Impfstoffe und entwickeln neue Ansätze und Instrumente.

Unsere Forschung

Wir integrieren neue Behandlungsmethoden und Ansätze in globale Strategien und Gesundheitssysteme weltweit.

Unsere Dienstleistungen

Wir bieten lokale und internationale Aus- und Weiterbildungsprogramme sowie Kurse für Graduierte und Postgraduierte an.

Unser Studienangebot

Women and Gender in Global Health

Women's health has evolved from an equity issue to a critical focus for advancing global health. How can we close the gaps and fully integrate gender into public health, policy and technology? Join us on 20 November at our upcoming symposium on Women and Gender in Global Health, where leading voices from academia, public administration, international organisations and the private sector will come together to share insights and brainstorm on innovative solutions to improve the health and well-being of women around the globe.

Register now

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Empowering Health Leaders: The DAS Health Care and Management at Swiss TPH

Do you want to launch a career in international public health and develop core competencies for understanding and responding to global health challenges? Find out from our alumni how the DAS Health Care and Management has shaped their careers.

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Turmhaus-Talks 2024

Die Vortragsreihe für gesundes Leben und Reisen

Mittwoch, 4. Dezember: Der lange Weg zum Malaria-Impfstoff: Durchbruch mit Hindernissen Prof. Dr. Claudia Daubenberger

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A Digital Tool to Improve Care for Sick Children

The DYNAMIC research project introduced a digital clinical decision support algorithm into the primary health centers in Rwanda to improve quality of care and reduce antibiotic prescriptions among children below 15 years of age.

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The Value of Implementation Science in Health and Social Care

Location: Uni Mail, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Event category: Partner Event

3rd Conference of the Swiss Implementation Science Network (IMPACT)

20.11.2024 09:00 to 17:30

Women and Gender in Global Health

Location: Swiss TPH, Seminar Room 4
Event category: Swiss TPH Symposium
04.12.2024 17:00 to 18:30

Round Table with Editors of Implementation Science Journals

Lecturer: Gregory Aarons (University of California, San Diego), Paul Wilson (University of Manchester), Bianca Albers (University of Zurich), Anne Sales (University of Missouri)
Location: Zoom
Event category: Partner Event

IMPACT Webinar Series 2024

04.12.2024 18:00 to 19:00

Turmhaus-Talks: Der lange Weg zum Malaria-Impfstoff: Durchbruch mit Hindernissen

Lecturer: Claudia Daubenberger
Location: Zentrum für Tropen- und Reisemedizin, Aeschenplatz 2, Basel
Event category: Swiss TPH Event

Wir setzen uns dafür ein, die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden der Menschen auf lokaler, nationaler und globaler Ebene zu verbessern durch Kompetenz in Forschung, Lehre und Dienstleistungen.